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Everything posted by karlespy

  1. Just because you see these arguments as weak does not mean that they indeed are. Those of us on this thread think the unnecessary waste of space, which by itself is a huge issue for some people, and load speed and potential privacy issues are important enough to warrant migration if there was a decent option besides Evernote. Another big question (to me) is why the original functionality was changed in the first place. Did the Evernote designers survey people to see if they want a preview pane, and/or if it should not be an optional capability? I seriously doubt that they did. It seems to me that they just decided on their own to change the interface to one that is less "cordial" simply because it was easier when they migrated the entire project to their web-centric model. The arguments are just fine as they are. If they don't meet your oh soooo lofty standard for discussion then just stop posting as it's obviously not your concern.
  2. Granted... "everybody" is more than a little overstated. I tend to forgive a bit of hyperbolic language from people stressing a point they find important. I'm sure I have been guilty of the same from time to time.
  3. The mistake would be to believe that only those that comment on this forum support bringing this feature back. Experience informs me that very few people actually use these types of forums to voice their complaints, and those that do are savvy enough to realize that after multiple releases between making the complaint and the present without seeing it brought back, nor any commentary from someone with the power to make it happen to indicate that it is being considered at all means it has been relegated to the dust-bin of requests. Also, exactly how many different ways of voicing suggestions and/or complaints does one have to use before getting a reaction either positive or negative: "Thank you for your suggestion. It is being considered for future release." is not very fulfilling. I find it sad that no one from Evernote support staff has come to the defense of the original decision to remove the feature. Sure, this is a user2user forum, but there must be some level of monitoring by Evernote support... right? Having been a developer of multiple large scale projects over many decades I have a hard time understanding why the ability to allow users to customize their experience to their liking would be curtailed when I am confident that such a feature would not be all that difficult to reimplement, assuming, of course, that retrofitting the original code used to support it was not possible due to it being incompatible with the rewrite which caused its loss. Evernote is fortunate that there is not a comparable competitor which would allow straightforward migration of existing Evernote notes. This was not one of those features that those who commented were simply wistful about its loss. Those who spoke up were fairly clear that this was a deal breaker had there been any other decent option, myself included. I'm pretty much convinced the feature is not coming back, but I don't have to like it.
  4. Ok... while we are all waiting for Evernote to take the hint and allow us to hide the preview pane I have a pseudo-workaround, albeit, a kinda lame one. Move the main Evernote window to the right of your screen so that the preview pane extends past the edge of the screen, hence, out of sight. It's not the prettiest alternative, but it does reduce the space it takes up, though it does tweak my somewhat anal need to center windows on the screen. As I noted... kinda lame.
  5. I will add my strong agreement to idea of allowing you to hide the preview pane. If there were any options available that were even close to what I get from Evernote this could be something I would consider changing over. The added screen clutter and just the idea that the starting page of a note is at all useful as compared to simply double-clicking the note to do editing/viewing in a separate window is beyond me. PLEASE bring back the option to hide the preview pane.
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