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Everything posted by Hemenway

  1. Hundreds or thousands of us need to be able to sort text WITHIN a note, alphabetically or numerically at minimum, and by date added or modified or whether checked or not as a secondary request. But primarily by ascending or descending alphanumeric order. I’ve been an EV user since 2012 and have asked for this feature on and off ever since. This is not to be confused with sorting actual NOTES or NOTEBOOKS, which feature has recently been added for some applications / OSs (so far) (thank you!). But respondents keep sending us to “tips” for the latter when the former is explicitly requested. Analogy: I know how to sort all my spices and pots, medications and bandages, and socks and shirts, into their cupboards (Notes) in the kitchen, hall, and bedroom respectively (Notebooks). I now want to sort my spices alphabetically and pots by size and medications by brand and bandages by ailment and socks/shirts by color (Content/Text). Some have argued that EN is not a “list manager,” which is rather ridiculous since half the text auto-format functions are - and have been since the beginning - checkboxes or number lists or the like. And what are checkboxes but LISTS? A database of any kind is just an enormous repository of LISTS. (Who remembers <Listserv?>) The need for sorting information is ubiquitous and the ability to do so has existed since the first byte, if not since cave paintings. Almost every app that works with words lets you do this. I venture to say that a HUGE number of us have wanted this alphabetizing/sorting feature, continue to want it, and continue to be frustrated that it STILL in 2022 hasn’t been added, and that we gave up a long time ago with trying to get anyone to take it seriously, which is why our voices aren’t heard. (PS: This is a very common occurrence that retailers ignore at risk to profits, as customers quietly go elsewhere.) We love the app, obviously, or we wouldn’t be here wanting to improve it. Can you please hear us and give us this primary fundamental ordinary-elsewhere feature? Please? Thanks.
  2. It appears that this is still has not been fixed as of 2022! I have had this request and problem for the ten years I’ve used EN, and contacted the company directly about it several times on and off. But no dice. Some here keep stating that EN is not a “list manager,” which is ludicrous to say since half the auto-format functions are and WERE checkboxes or the like. And what are checkboxes but LISTS? A database of any kind is just an enormous repository of LISTS. (Who remember <Listserv?>) Sorting text WITHIN a note - NOT the NOTE as EN’s support team and un hearing users keep posting tips for - is what we want. The need for sorting is ubiquitous and the ability to do so has existed, as noted, since forever if not since cave paintings. I don’t know what everyone else uses EN for, but EVERYONE I know who does keeps tons of lists in it. I venture to say that a HUGE number of us have wanted this alphabetizing/sorting feature, continue to want it, continue to be very annoyed that it STILL hasn’t been added, and gave up a long time ago with either trying to figure out the unintuitive user interface for voting/liking, or trying to get anyone to listen. However: Piango, gemo, sospiro, e peno - but I keep using EV, an app that I truly like that and is otherwise superior to most out there for the job. (I ask elephants with roseate ears not to reply with all the reasons I’m wrongheaded, please.)
  3. I have the same request. I don’t use icons. I use good file nomenclatures and list views. Compact, quick to find. I’d like to be able to customize the first view that comes up, in my case to a list of notebooks. Anybody have a fix? Or know if the team is developing one?
  4. I have the same problem. Very annoying. I hope the Evernote team is keeping track of all these issues since I understand they’re still working to update the new release to fix many things amiss. (And maybe, just maybe, they’ll add sorting text alphabetically to the very very long-sought improvements? As in since I wrote them in 2012? And maybe they might finally understand that we need TEXT inside notes, not notes themselves, to be sorted? But I digress.) If anyone has a fix to the “can’t select text from the left” problem, please let us know. I do understand that the developer team doesn’t necessarily check this forum and that we have to submit a query to them separately. So I’m hoping there IS a fix that someone knows about…
  5. Just a reprise of earlier observations: Yes, of course, we can take material out of Evernote, copy to Word, sort, and reimport, as has been noted several times. That's an emergency solution for use when sorting is essential, I suppose. But the only real solution is to have the capability within Evernote -- what's the point of an app that requires another "app" to offer what some might say are basic functions? This thread is valuable (I hope) to keep encouraging Evernote to get this right. (I love Evernote. I use it all day long, for multiple tasks. So this is coming from someone who likes it enough to take the time to promote improvements.)
  6. No rebuttal, just a fist bump... I am an avid user of Evernote. The single greatest frustration I have is its inability to sort text. I've wanted this from the start and have followed forums on this topic. This is the first time I've logged in on anything EV and I totally echo your post. And I am just flummoxed at so many snarky posters who get so wound up about whether the request is valid or should/n't be posted elsewhere or yadda yadda. Sheesh!! Take it out to the sandbox, kids... Meantime, I add my voice to the paying masses (I'm a paying mass): "Evernote developers PLEASE listen to your customers and give us this standard operating feature!" Having said that, my workaround is: Copy text from EN, paste into word document, sort, copy back. Pain in the neck, but it works. Yours In Productivity (YIP)
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