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Posts posted by BASboy

  1. 6 hours ago, Twitchly said:

    How tech-savvy does one need to be to use Obsidian’s EN-similar features? I’m not a coder and don’t want to become one in order to use a virtual filing cabinet. 

    Yeah... this is my challenge as well. Obsidian is great...but seems to be a learning curve and people are saying "If you tweak it" which already sounds complicated for a 57 year young ADHD Guy like myself to relearn a new dog trick. 

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  2. On 7/13/2023 at 1:29 AM, gazumped said:

    even the relatively small percentage of complainers means they're just a bit busy right now.

    Then perhaps they shouldn't have fired all the staff over here until they were able to handle the problems that are happening. I appreciate the link to see the status. (not something that seems to be jumping up and down for others to easily find) Although the complaints were coming before the reported layoffs, that would seem to indicate they had problems already and Bending Spoons just didn't care and said F-It, Your fired. We need to stop paying people. That Bending Spoons does not respond to the 3 other requests I have put in to different contact locations at their company kind of shows their Long Time Set-Up company is already bad with customer support. So it is only going to get worse in my mind. 

  3. On 7/13/2023 at 2:03 AM, Jon/t said:

    Finally contact support. You'll get a pretty instant auto-reply if the ticket goes through.

    All good suggestions. I will try it. I have just one MacBook and iPhone and iPad. Don't have the legacy open except when I need to print something and you can't get it to properly print on the new stuff.... BUT as to getting an Instant Auto Reply... that isn't the problem. That I (and others) don't get any further follow up, even with multiple re-contacting them, that is the REAL CRUX of the problem. No Communication. No help when things go sideways.  They have fired all the staff without letting us the paying public know they will have some bumps as they reduce staffing, move the servers to their own country and really don't give us any justification for the price increase as they are saving money on staff now (less staff). 

  4. 19 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

    Can you explain how its stopped working properly? For me its really smooth, fast and working a treat right now.

    Notes take a minute or more to open now. It’s consistently taking more time to open and not getting better on my side of things. And then I have asked for help repeatedly on multiple forms and at multiple sites from the company. And I’ve received no help.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

    @BASboy Why don’t you pick whatever you want to use, go to their forum and ask how to start ?

    You come here, tell nothing about your use cases, just complaining, and say from a list of features that this must be the solution for yourself. OK, I can tell for sure it is the solution, because you seem to be a person of little demand on features, but a high appreciation of „attitude“.

    This because I see you here just blaming other users of having the wrong attitude. You have 7 posts here, and most of them are probably dedicated at attitude correction - of others, of course …

    My original post was asking for suggestions of other apps in the one that I was considering.. So your comment about my attitude and response. Was responding back to them not doing what I originally asked. But instead being fanboy, waving Finatticz, just acting angry towards me.

    True I can sometimes come off as abrasive in my words when it’s in text. But in person I’m a really sweetheart of a guy.


    I already stated at the beginning what my issues were. They have it stopped working appropriately. It was take a minute or more for each note to open up. That I was receiving no response or help back from Evernote since they fired all the staff. That there are reports out there that other people are also having the same problems. And the list of things that the other app does, are very similar to Evernote. That is why I posted it..

    I am sorry that my use case is underwhelming to you. My mind only boggles it what amazing things you’re able to accomplish. That this dumb mortal can barely dream about much less comprehend. 


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  6. 10 hours ago, WilliamL said:

    Dude I literally used the language you used in your original post - so it is peculiar you accuse me of being 'triggered' when I only used language you yourself introduced.  

    As for Nimbus, sigh, honestly I have run out of patience with people who seem to think moving a company to Europe = disaster, I find it truly insulting, so go for it, I have never heard a good thing about it but I am sure you will be the exception. 

    First off you manipulated the way you posted my language and did it in a way that was being basically an A-Hole response. So don’t play the doughy eyed innocent. it did not answer my question that I put out there originally. It was just being a flag-waving fan boy of EN. and not anything more than that.

    Certainly, I was not complaining that they moved to Europe. I was stating that since they fired all the staff in America, that the app had stopped working properly for me. That I was not getting any help responses back from Evernote. That I noted that there were more and more people complaining that, Evernote staff was not responding to their help inquiries. And I was asking other people who are probably searching around for alternative apps, due to the pricing increase and the lack of function happening. If there were perhaps other apps that were like EN besides  the ones I was considering. 


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  7. On 7/12/2023 at 5:09 PM, Twitchly said:

    Well, I’m glad to see the topic here because I’d like to hear from other knowledgeable EN users how other apps currently compare to Evernote. I’m a big fan of EN, just not of the new price. So I’m looking around.

    My use case: I mostly use EN as a virtual filing cabinet. I am a heavy clipper user, which sadly puts apps like Apple Notes out of the running.

    So I just started looking into Bear 2.0, and here’s what I’m seeing so far:

    At this point, I’ve just played with it on my iPhone (which is where I mostly use EN). Very promising. The clipper actually works better than EN’s when dealing with subscription sites. On EN, whenever I try to clip from a paywalled site where I have a subscription, I get just a fragment of the article. Bear gets the whole thing. 

    I just tried importing a notebook from EN, and it worked well. Even brought in the tags! Bear uses its own formatting, overriding that of whatever you clip or import. Not an issue for me, may be for some.

    No notebooks in Bear, which doesn’t thrill me. They do allow nested tags, though that feels a little kludgy to me compared to notebooks.

    The ability to clip and to import tags from EN were two biggies for me and the main reasons why I’ve been reluctant to move entirely to Apple Notes.  (Which also doesn’t have notebooks.) Very happy to see them in Bear. 

    Need to research how easy it is to export a bunch of notes from Bear rather than individually.

    Thanks for actually doing what no one else seems to of done at the moment. Actually, give me a suggestion. Instead of getting all defensive and rally behind EN without listening to the reasons I am looking to move. Because the app has stopped working properly and people are not getting back to me or others to help fix things.  You might research bear as to you will not be able to do folders (at least act is a complaint I saw on one persons review on replacing EN with Bear instead... also, Bear is only Mac Based, if that matters to you at all) 

    • Like 6
  8. 39 minutes ago, WilliamL said:

    My heartless ai projection of a human says go for Nimbus - don’t worry about the fact that it’s impossible to get your data out of it, don’t worry it grinds to a halt with meagre levels notes or that it’s mobile apps are legendary slow - ai says go for it, lock your data away in a company and see how it goes. 

    And how long ago did you try this? I am doing a seven day trial. I’ve imported notes. I’ll try exporting a note. If you tried this a long time ago then your complaints may not be true anymore. Did your AI check it out for the current stuff? Because I’m not finding that in any of the reviews I’ve been looking at. And then you got triggered fast. I asked for alternatives, not for people to ***** and complain to me because I’m making a choice for change. And choose not to stick with an app that no longer seems to give you any support, that the notes take a minute or more to access. Things just start NOT working on Evernote anymore.

    So you say I should stay in a broken marriage  as well? no matter how bad it gets. Because they’re could be other better people to have a relationship with? I think the world is about choice.

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  9. Well @gazumped, I already mentioned I’m looking at Nimbus Notes that is pretty much a duplicate of Evernote as it is. But with actual support, with the less expensive subscription price, imports Evernote, quite easily, and you are not waiting a minute plus for each of your notes that you access to open up. It includes to do’s, and a clipper app, and I can scan into it. As well as access it on my computer, on the web, on my iPad, on my phone.

    So I was just wondering if anyone else had an alternative solution beyond that particular one. And I’m glad that you aren’t  having issues with Evernote  and you don’t mind that you don’t get any kind of support feedback, no matter where you write them. Evernote, bending spoons site, Twitter, I have tried them all contact them

    And if you look in forums you will see others are having problems with Evernote as well. 

    But as long as you’re fine with a less responsive app with non-responsive staff. And paying more money for less services. You have fun as well. 
    But after 10+ years. I think it’s time to make a change.


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  10. I too have been having issues. Yet now that I hear Bending Spoons fired everyone from Evernote, and the list of complaints of no one responding to and actually able to fix the issues of Paid Clients. I am losing faith and as my Paid Renewal date fast approaches, I am starting to look at Nimbus Notes as Evernote’s Replacement. 

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