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Posts posted by BASboy

  1. 16 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    Thanks for the tip! 😅 No, afraid I can't join you in that brotherhood. (Didn't get a Tesla for a variety of reasons, but did install a charger at home, and charged at non-Tesla stations a couple of times OK.) </thread drift>

    Glad you got a home charger. I live in an apartment complex that is older and does not work with the city to install a charger. So when I finally go all electric, I will have to be charging at other stations outside of the complex. Or move to a better building. Lol. And I would only consider a Tesla for one more year until all the newer cars that are coming out. Have the connector for Tesla charging stations. I too am not a huge fan of Tesla for various reasons. But it did start the reality of people using electric cars on the regular. As it gets wired across the country for electrical charging stations. In the meantime, it’s a race between do I get a hybrid or do I go all electric. But that depends upon how well my car holds up for the next year. And what’s available or do I just lease for the meantime, though it’s not cost-effective, it’s only a small three-year time. That I have to really worry about and think about what I really want to get.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, StephenRStone said:

    After Evernote switched to a $150/year plan where previously free, I finally started looking around (after using it for 11 years... free). 

    ... while I might use Notion for other purposes (projects etc), I'm finding I like Microsoft OneNote for the reasons I liked Evernote.  It actually looks like the best parts of Evernote and Google Keep combined.  

    While it hadn't been "cloud" quite as long as Evernote, the whole program is actually one of the oldest Notetaking programs and it has always been free. Also runs on any platform.

    When I look at most competitor programs to Evernote, I actually can't confidently answer why they wouldn't start jacking up prices in the future the way Evernote has. Whereas with a company like Microsoft (not that I'm necessarily a fan), they have a larger business scheme that extends much outside of the notetaking app, where maybe the note app is just a gateway...

    After a couple weeks, my feeling right nkw is that OneNote just acts completely in the way I imagine Evernote would, if it were improved...

    Well, you can keep chasing the Free if you want. But just because Microsoft is a huge organization. Doesn’t mean it’s the better plan. Sometimes the ones we have to pay a small amount of money to get the best uses is needed. Because you get what you pay for. So does this mean that if one note starts charging you’re gonna have to find another note program that is free? i’m leaving Evernote because it doesn’t meet my needs especially for the price at charges. But I am leaving for a note that is less expensive, but I am choosing the tear above Free, so I have better tools of bitter accessibility. She may want to rethink your free is me attitude.  Like buying clothing. The cheapest clothes fall apart the fastest, paying more for quality clothes that last for years and years and years is worth the expense. But that is a Mind attitude. You have to learn overtime, I guess. 

  3. 44 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    Careful. A guy in his 70s who just bought an all-electric car might be reading this and get confused.

    Remember… use the Unleaded pump. Not the leaded one. LOL (I hope you bought a Tesla or one that can charge on a Tesla Charger… most of the non Tesla Chargers are a mess at best) So are you hinting that you are ADD / ADHD? Hello my brother. 

    • Haha 1
  4. also, it’s an age thing. Consider most people who use Notion are age 17 to 34. (and that’s probably the average for all the newer apps out.) How many people in this discussion or even close to those ages? I bet not many. As people get older, they’re less likely to wanna change things. So they become more stubborn. Unwilling to try something different because they have to learn new things. And they get more befuddled and confused if you take them out of consistency and habit. I’m 58 years old. But I’m also ADHD. Which makes me much more willing to change and try something new when when the old has stopped working.  ADHD brain TAKES longer to mature, and I am perceived 10 years younger than I actually am in thought and action. And after 10+ years of using Evernote, at least I can see Evernote, not being what it used to be, and not changing in a good direction FOR ME. But you do you you . 
    • Like 3
  5. Just now, bakula said:

    Several questions were asked.

    You simply answered the ones you were capable of answering to the best of your abilities.

    Bottom line. Unless one of you  responding in these comments is from bending spoons. Then you’re just speculating and don’t know anything specifically.  So your comments are as hallucinatory as AI can be in its answers. Secondly, since I’m the one who originally started the whole post for an alternative to Evernote, I must say, I find it fascinating how this. Has gone down such a fascinating rabbit hole of opinion and nothing to do with the original topic.

  6. On 11/28/2023 at 4:04 PM, Bill Myers said:

    I wish I was astonished, but I've been sales awhile and science has confirmed what my experience has shown me: if you give something away, you don't create goodwill, you create a sense of entitlement. Try Googling the Red Cross, donuts and World War II to see what I mean. Evernote should never have had such a generous free plan, IMHO.

    There are free and lower-cost alternatives to Evernote for those who balk at the price. There are less fully-featured services for those who feel Evernote is feature-bloated. No one is trapped by Evernote. I'm not sure what the problem is. 

    Evernote was originally created as a FreeMium Plan thinking people would migrate to the paid version, per Phil Libin (one of the co-founders) People did move to paid, myself as an example, but they didn’t move enough and Evernote progress was slowed down by not being an integrated software platform. The founders left, Things changed. Now someone else is trying their hand at it. Deleting the “Dead Wood” of users that take up the HD Space. Plus Bending Spoons wants $$$, despite laying off all 227 Evernote Employees world wide  (Bending spoons has 371 employees) So they saved money there. Moving files to their own servers in Europe, saving money there. Yet despite all the saving of money they are increasing subscription costs, being secretive about their plans for future features (supposedly AI Cleanup of notes, and AI Search, though I can’t say it has helped me find things when I search with stuff… and will most likely charge even more for the AI Feature, as they currently say its “Free for all plans, at the moment, so try it out”. So I suspect the AI Search and future AI Stuff will be more additional costs. Once you have tried it and supposedly will desire the new stuff. Went to the lowest plan that wasn’t free. Will play around with transferring things to Notion and most likely will leave Evernote as it doesn’t suit my needs any more. Plus Notions AI Features seem to be much more robust. Since bending spoons won’t share their plans for future features, I can only go on their past slow and not so greatly implement advances and assume they will not be helpful. 

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, Boot17 said:

    I didn't watch the whole YouTube video you linked, but I wonder if you may be misrepresenting him. I searched the transcript and didn't find one mention of Evernote. Are you sure he moved to Notion or does he just use it in addition to Evernote? It's not uncommon to use multiple platforms for different needs. Notion isn't a direct feature-for-feature alternative to Evernote.

    Either way, that YouTube video you posted is from 2 years ago and he said the following below just the other day on Twitter X. Quite the opposite of what was implied. "I've never been more bullish on @evernote" he said, among other things:


    Well I guess I stand corrected. But I have seen recent videos of him crowing about using the Chat AI features to summarize his notes and saving him hours and hours and hours of time. Perhaps he moved his business stuff to Notion only. As he said in an interview (sorry, I watch so many things I can’t find the interview to post at this precise moment) that he uses Notion nowadays as a large chunk of his staff prefer the app. For good or bad I am ready to move on from Evernote. It no long serves my needs in a way that is useful to me. We all grow and change. I see Notion growing and changing. But I don’t see Evernote growing any more, just charging more and delivering less and squeezing out people to either pay them money or go away. So I am glad that Tiago Forte is bullish on Evernote. I am not anymore. I can’t justify paying for both Evernote AND Notion. That splits my focus and even Tiago talked abut having too many apps to think about. 

  8. 9 hours ago, RapidFinancialSolutions said:

    Their worshippers. They either own stock or just have to attack anyone who experiences something different so no one speaks the Truth. It's what a lot of people do, especially if they are transhuman if you know what that is.

    Did you consider zoho? So I just moved to Zoho notebook - https://go.zoho.com/rQ7

    I decided against Notion, but I'd have to look at my notes as to why. 

    Talk about using 50¢ words — Transhumanism is a philosophical and intellectual movement which advocates the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies that can greatly enhance longevity and cognition.[1][2]

    Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as the ethics[3] of using such technologies. Some transhumanists believe that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with abilities so greatly expanded from the current condition as to merit the label of posthumanbeings.[2]

  9. 1 hour ago, gazumped said:

    Don't let us misguided,  brainwashed,  credulous remainers dissuade you - the more users that leave,  the faster my connection gets.  I wish everyone good luck in their new applications.  I'm just going to stay here and be taken advantage of for the next several months with my new (much faster) subscription... 

    says the  man who I picture uses a windows 98 computer on dial up 48k modem. 

    7 hours ago, eric99 said:

    EN AI search is a sensitive balance between efficiency and privacy (security) ... what measures does notion take to protect your privacy when using AI search?

    Well I did a quick google search using Google AI (something you could have done as well and stated your results) but here you go. So you need not wonder. 

    Notion AI's privacy policy states that they follow standard data protection practices to keep data encrypted and private. They also state that: 
    • Notion AI's Writing Suite will not use data to train models unless the user opt in to share their data 
    • Any information used to power Notion AI will be shared with partners to provide features 
    • AI subprocessors are prohibited from using customer data to train models 
    • Data is encrypted in transit using TLS 1.2 or greater when sent to AI LLM subprocessors 
    • AI LLM subprocessors only retain data for 30 days or less before deletion 
    • Use of Notion AI does not grant Notion any right or license to customer data to train machine learning models 
    When users leave a workspace, they can request that their data be deleted by the workspace owner. Customers can also request that their data be deleted when they terminate their subscription
  10. 1 hour ago, eric99 said:

    EN AI search is a sensitive balance between efficiency and privacy (security) ... what measures does notion take to protect your privacy when using AI search?

    Well I did a quick google search using Google AI (something you could have done as well and stated your results) but here you go. So you need not wonder. 

    Notion AI's privacy policy states that they follow standard data protection practices to keep data encrypted and private. They also state that: 
    • Notion AI's Writing Suite will not use data to train models unless the user opt in to share their data 
    • Any information used to power Notion AI will be shared with partners to provide features 
    • AI subprocessors are prohibited from using customer data to train models 
    • Data is encrypted in transit using TLS 1.2 or greater when sent to AI LLM subprocessors 
    • AI LLM subprocessors only retain data for 30 days or less before deletion 
    • Use of Notion AI does not grant Notion any right or license to customer data to train machine learning models 
    When users leave a workspace, they can request that their data be deleted by the workspace owner. Customers can also request that their data be deleted when they terminate their subscription
  11. 31 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

    Ai search doesn't cost extra. It comes with the paid plans.

    I can't agree that search sucks. Evernote has always been known for the best search on the market. With OCR, filters and advanced search syntax available you can create some very advanced searches and save them.

    Enjoy Notion, its not my cup of tea and I believe they do charge extra for Ai.

    They do charge extra. But at least they’re AI appears to work. Where is spending spoons who is been doing AI work for several years on several other apps. Doesn’t seem to be mounting to anything. Very impressive. So I’d pay for something that works. Evernote charges, but doesn’t seem to work at all.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 25 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

    Ai search doesn't cost extra. It comes with the paid plans.

    I can't agree that search sucks. Evernote has always been known for the best search on the market. With OCR, filters and advanced search syntax available you can create some very advanced searches and save them.

    Enjoy Notion, its not my cup of tea and I believe they do charge extra for Ai.

    If you notice on the AI search, they say try it out. It’s free for all plans at the moment. Meaning they are going to charge for it. And I’m glad search works for you. I tried regular search and AI search. For one particular receipt For a Google mesh router. The AI gave me 100 notes to dig through and the regular Evernote search yielded nothing of use. I had to do some digging and research to find what I wanted. And it said plainly what I was looking for was on that receipt. So in both cases search failed me.  Yes, notion seemed daunting to me until as I said, I found a guy who’s been around for quite a long time who’s made notion his life and second brain integration alongside Tiago Forte system, and help. To make it simpler and easier. So most of the work has been done for me . 

  13. So even with the new AI which they’re gonna charge even more money for. Search sucks. My account is about to renew in January. So I’ve already switched it to a monthly subscription. Which is how long I will need to export everything into Notion. That is my new program that I have chosen. Partly because of a course and template that uses second brain incorporation. Simplify it all. I’m currently. Exporting my notes to Notion, by use of Notion new import link. So as of February 2 my account with Evernote will be canceled. Good luck to all the rest of you. Choose to stay with this current version of Evernote. Burning spoons keeps their plans close to their chest, Ask for a lot of money, gives little support, all the while there are more and more  apps out there that make Evernote pale in comparison. I’ve been with Evernote for more than a decade, so I do not make this decision lately. And I do not plan to Switch to any more notetaking apps. As notion has a lot of flexibility. And if you keep changing your tools, all the time, they’ll never get anything done. But the creator of second brain has even switched over to Notion. And that’s good enough for me. Plus it doesn’t hurt that it’s $49 a year if you do a lot of importing. Otherwise, it’s zero cost to you.

    • Like 1
  14. On 7/17/2023 at 5:39 PM, PinkElephant said:

    It obviously depends on what you ask support: It can be something available, and they just point out how, it can be  an issue that needs to pass through the release cycle, or it can be one of these „nice to have, but never will“ features.

    Depending on this the time it will take will be between a few hours, several weeks or „never“.

    It is plain bad mouthing to tell „they never will“ - as if you would know.

    So it sounds like you’re saying at the very end. To just shut up and take the abuse and pay the money for the lack of support. And quit crying if it hurts. Nice advice.

    • Like 1
  15. Well seeing all this AI in so many other apps. And Bending Spoons is supposedly all in with AI. Yet so far all they do is offer to clean up my notes. And search is just as sad as it ever was. I have to think for 10 minutes to get the right combination of words that will give me the notes that I wan. Not much else other than raise prices and promise all these mysterious and incredible things they are going to do... yet they don't do anything since. So I was a premium user. I just downgraded to Month to month at the renual of my yearly subscription, dropped a level and plan to migrate my notes into NOTION. 

  16. 1 hour ago, gazumped said:

    I would like to offer a formal apology if my continuingly efficient workflow has offended you.  I'll try not to detail it again...  🙂 

    For those of you who don't use 50 Cent Sized Words... "

    Meaning of continuingly in English
    In a way that keeps happening or existing: The book was followed by a number of continuingly popular sequels. The issues that you have identified are continuingly being addressed."
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