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Everything posted by dCote

  1. I was totally taking a shot to ask. I just had a file that I was updating (with about 15 hours of work on it) . It had tables. The entire table disappeared in a instance when I clicked (not deleted) the last cell in the table.

    Is there anyway I can get it back. I'm so like - destroyed by it's loss

    I checked my cloud and the entire table is gone

    1. amanda_h


      Hey @dCote,

      First, thanks again for your patience while Geoff investigates your account status and why it's showing as Basic. He's still working with our team to figure out why that's happening. Regarding the table disappearing, are you able to recover the correct version from Note History?

      To access note history in Evernote for Mac, follow these steps:

      1. Open Evernote for Mac and select a note
      2. Click the note info button (i) and select View History
      3. Click Import next to the note version you want to restore
      4. Select Yes to import the note into a synchronized notebook
      5. Open the Import New… notebook where the note was downloaded and move it to the notebook of your choice

      To access note history in Evernote for Windows, follow these steps:

      1. Open Evernote for Windows and select a note
      2. Click the Info button and select View history
      3. Click Import next to the note version you want to restore
      4. Select Yes to import the note into a synchronized notebook
      5. Open the Import New… notebook where the note was downloaded and move it to the notebook of your choice

      Let me know how that goes!


    2. dCote


      Thanks Amanda. I ended up re typing in all the data. But thank you for all the notes above. I'm saving those.

      I was on here today to figure out why my iphone 5s and Evernote "notes with pdf's" aren't showing up.

      I was on an Evernote old discussion when I saw you replied. Thanks

      For me, the PDF's have a placeholder in the note itself but I was so hoping to open a note and actually get to the PDF file on my iphone without having to wait and download the pdf to the iphone.

      Thank you for your notes above. Just as a precaution I also did my first "back up" of Evernote today. I've added so much data since I became a premium user that it would be absolutely awful if I lost any of these notes.

      If you have any hints or better resources for me to look at for the "Evernote PDF - iPhone 5s" issue please pass them along.

      Hope your Thanksgiving Holiday was Happy & Healthy with you & yours





    3. dCote


      Amanda - FYI I just submitted a forum ticket on the PDF file question



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