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Everything posted by SteveFromNewton

  1. The current version is bad. The good news is is that you can still download the legacy version: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  2. Oh Pink, you will stick up for EN to the end and it is so monotonous. I’m with Amys- no way would I assume that meant that they were taking away custom fonts.
  3. The one saving grace is that you can still use the legacy version with all of the old fonts. I switched to legacy and it’s working well.
  4. Here’s some more good reading and watching on this topic: About the new editor: CEO blog post Dec 10: State of the Product | Evernote Blog Another great discussion:
  5. I come back to this: there is just no way that just 6 standard fonts is sufficient. That is madness. I cannot believe that they can’t add more than 6.
  6. Thanks Pink. So is web inspector only available in a web browser? It's not part of Evernote itself? Thanks to you I learned about Fingerprinting and I would agree it's something we need to be wary of and avoid.
  7. I use Evernote Plus on a Mac. How can I access the web inspector? I could not find it anywhere. Thanks.
  8. Thanks Pink. I didn’t know the web fonts were used for tracking so that’s probably not a good idea. Nonetheless at the end of the day Evernote is a text editor and a text editor should give you the ability to format a document the way that you would like. If I wanted to attach documents I would just create documents and keep them in Mac Files instead and not use Evernote at all. At the end of the day I think there Hass to be a way that the very smart people at Evernote can figure out how to have more than six fonts to their program so that people can customize their documents and have them look consistent across platforms. I think we can agree to disagree on this. It seems like you fall into the camp that consistency is more important than appearance. That’s fine. But I believe that it should be possible to both have well formatted and attractive documents (with multiple fonts) that are also consistent across all platforms. I just don’t think that’s unreasonable.
  9. I can understand the need for consistency across devices but the limited font set is a poor solution. It’s like going back to the year 1995. I would think that most people who create documents expect to be able to control the fonts they’re using or st least have a wide selection of fonts to use. As a paid subscriber, I expect EN to support a broader set of fonts. Even if fonts cost money on each platform where they’re used, I would think that they could custom-develop more than six fonts. I wonder if EN could leverage universal web fonts that are available on all platforms such as those on this article? After all, EN seems to use some CSS elements (true?). I realize that standard availability is not the same as standard appearance. https://blog.hubspot.com/website/web-safe-html-css-fonts Another option would be to enable users to purchase custom fonts. Finally, it would go a long way if EN were to actually share a roadmap of what we can expect. I’m sure they will continue to improve things but I’m not clear what those things will be.
  10. I am completely very very unhappy and cannot understand why Evernote would do this. I use Evernote almost every day and I want to be able to use custom fonts. The new version completely trashed my documents with a mix of old and new fonts. I cannot believe that I am paying an annual fee for a product that is worth less than before. I don't care about styles and titles and such. I don't care about pretty green checkboxes. I just want custom fonts. I am going to try to roll back to an earlier version. Please fix this.
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