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Posts posted by mvdweer

  1. Hi @brian_t_grant. Thank you for your suggestion to reinstall the Evernote app. I had not thought about that yet. Unfortunately it didn't work. 🙄

    Before I reinstalled, I already had the most recent version (10.6.9), because each time a new one comes out I'm very eager to see if this issue has been solved, so I'm updating it asap each time. But I tried reinstalling anyway, because you made me remember that this sometimes solves strange problems. I even shut down my laptop for a few minutes before reinstalling the app. 
    Since my first post, I also upgraded my system to Big Sur (now on 11.1), but that didn't make a difference either.

    So still no solution. I hope someone from Evernote will soon read this. I pointed it out to them on Twitter this week (after praising them about the new HOME-page, which I really think is great).  

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  2. 5 hours ago, brian_t_grant said:

    What task manager are you using? I use App Links with Things 3 every day of the week and it has been working just fine for me for quite a while.

    I don't think this is about the task manager that I'm using; which is Todoist. On iOS everything works great. But when I click on an evernote:/// link on my Mac, either the situation that I described above happens (Todoist), or nothing happens (when I click on a note-link in my Chrome browser (within Roam or within Trello). 

    It is that Evernote is just not recognized automatically anymore as the app that the link should be opened in.

  3. I don't believe that Evernote decided to depricate the internal links. In 10.2 they even added a separate menu-item so we can choose between the web link and the app link. I hope that the issue with the links that I reported, is due to a small bug or a setting on my Mac.

    On my iPhone the results are varying, depending on which app I open the link from. It works fine when I open a link from Todoist, Trello or Roam. It also works fine when I click on a link to a note from Notion or Apple Notes while Evernote is closed. But when I do this while the Evernote-app is already opened, it just shows the notes list or the note that was already opened in the app. It doesn't open the right note. 

  4. Thank you @gazumped. I'll consider this option because this issue really slows down my workflow. I'm not fond at using two versions at the same time though. I'm ok with some missing functions at the moment but I hoped that this issue (not automatically recognizing Evernote for opening evernote:/// links) could be fixed with some setting in my Mac settings. That's why I also reported it here and not just via the Feedback-button in Evernote.

    • Like 1
  5. Classic note links are a crucial part of my workflow. I paste classic internal links to notes into tasks in my task manager and in other apps that I use for my personal knowledge management, but when I click on the link in one of these apps, Evernote is not recognized anymore by my Mac as the app that can open the evernote:/// link. I get this message box (see attachment).  

    It is in Dutch but it says: 
    There is no app selected to open the URL evernote:///....
    Find an app in the App Store that can open this document or choose an exisiting app on your computer. 
    Cancel - Choose app.. - App Store.

    When I click on Choose app, Evernote is not in the list of suggested apps, so I have to click on Options and then on All apps and then I can finally select Evernote as the app to open the link with. 

    Then, when it finally opens in Evernote, the note is not opened in a new window. Evernote just shows the note in the main Evernote screen, and it also doesn't show the note in the notes list, so I can't double click it to open it myself in a new window. 

    This has been a problem since the new version 10 was released and it still happens every time in the latest version 10.2. Could it be that this problem (not automatically recognizing Evernote for opening evernote:/// links) can be fixed with some setting in my Mac settings?

    Mac cant find app to open classic Evernote link with.png

    • Like 4
  6. 4 minutes ago, Scott T. said:

    @mvdweer Yes. Somebody reached out to me about the tweet which is why I came here to comment and provide the additional details regarding the recent contact. I tried to work on this myself, as I originally believed it was our integration. When I found it was their integration, I provided them details including how to reproduce the problem. I'll post a follow-up if I hear back from them.

    Ok, thanks! If you need any information from me about this issue, I'm happy to share it of course. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Scott T. said:

    IFTTT previously looked into the issue and believed they addressed the bug. A few days ago, we reached out to IFTTT again to let them know users are still encountering problems with the integration. They opened a new ticket and are investigating.

    Unfortunately, Evernote doesn't control this integration. It was built entirely by the IFTTT team. Our business contacts are in touch, though, should there need to be any communication between the dev teams.

    Ok. I just got an answer to the question I asked them about this via Twitter (I couldn't find any other place to report the issue other than social media). This was the answer I got: "We encourage Evernote to reach out to our platform support team if they need help to diagnose this issue. They can get in touch with us by emailing platform-support@ifttt.com." 

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