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Posts posted by lisec

  1. 3 hours ago, jefito said:

    IWe'll see how the upcoming 'spaces' changes work out with respect to pinning and other facilities. Still trying to understand what Spaces are and how they fit in with the Evernote scheme.

    Yeah, I got a bit excited reading about Spaces. From what I've read it reminded me of the old OS/2 days where you could create desktop shortcuts that would open entire projects (programs, files, etc).  Your "deck" icon would open your deck-related files, programs, whatever without having to open the program first. It just didn't care where the deck-related info was coming from or what format it took.  I'm guessing spaces lets you gather everything related to deck-building (notebooks, notes, tags) and allows you to share and/or collaborate on the whole shebang.

  2. The most glaring omission, I think, is the ability to resize the image (I mean really resize, not just dragging to make it look smaller on a page). Most images I include in Evernote are way too large, and every single time I take a picture of a receipt or anything with my phone I always have to open each image with Snag-it and resize to 30% and save.  I dream of being able to right-click an image within evernote, selecting Resize, and having a lovely fly-out with percentages and/or pixel sizes.  The better dream is to have a setting where I could say: limit all photos to width: xx or height: xx, whichever fits best.  As they say in the movies, a girl can dream...


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  3. Just now, DTLow said:

    Since you identified this solution, I'll point out that notes may also be sorted by date.
    The Win/Mac platforms allow adjustment to the note dates
    You might want to cover all three sequences

    I would not consider changing the date daily on a note a viable solution. I would need a pinned note to remind me to change the date on the pinned note ;-)

  4. Reminders don't display in "List" view, so that's out.

    Using a prefix would work but only when sorted by name, and in the correct Notebook, so that's out too.

    Using a shortcut would work but your note has to have a short name otherwise it takes up too much shortcut real-estate and you can't rename a shortcut. But it still interferes with workflow because if you have just created a complicated search then click on the "pinned" note-as-a-shortcut your entire list changes. So that's out.

    I use tags 0, 1 and 2 and keep important "pinned" notes as 1. But that's a filter, and like using a shortcut, it will interfere with workflow by changing the list. So that's out.

    So yes, there are multiple ways around "pinned" notes, but none of them are true "pinned" notes.

    Add me to the list of people who would love this functionality.

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  5. 39 minutes ago, EP2008 said:

    I'm with you on that. But my (now 13GB+) database is quite hefty!

    I think the most ideal solution would be if Evernote allowed for image compression/resizing either individually or in bulk (or both). 

    That would definitely help. I started a thread about that a while back - you can vote for the idea here: 

    Another option might be to sync-on-demand by folder (or tag, which would be much better).  If I could tag notes as "archive" and know that those go to the cloud but everything else stays put, I would consider making the jump.

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  6. 23 hours ago, EP2008 said:

    This might be a good option, provided search works just as well.  Do you know of any downsides to enabling this feature (other than not having the data stored locally)? 

    I haven't made the jump yet because once I do, then there is no way to backup the database (exb file with ALL my notes) and while I like the cloud as much as anyone, I use it as backup, not as my primary source of everything. 

  7. On 2016-09-12 at 4:29 AM, GrumpyMonkey said:

    Hi. Personally, I'd prefer if they didn't waste time with cosmetic protections (if someone has access to your user account on the computer, they can easily find everything in Evernote without even opening the app). I'd recommend creating a separate user account on your computer. You can switch users in just one or two seconds. It's fast, convenient, secure, and already built into your computer :)

    Actually, that sounds better than it works.  I had a separate account for work stuff and for the past year switching between two accounts didn't work (folks at evernote never found what causes the problem). I gave up the 2nd account in frustration. Even if it did work I'm not sure I would go back to two accounts. There is something nice about knowing everything is in one place.


    In hindsight, I feel it necessary to apologize.  My lack of knowledge on the data appearing in my account frustrated me and I allowed that frustration to ferment.  I was frustrated with several issues that hit in a small time frame, however, that is no justification for my rants. I made several posts in this forum I consider less than professional.



    Sentinel, while I appreciate that sinking feeling that might come from discovering that you were, perhaps, responsible for what looked like an Evernote mistake, and your ensuing apology, I must confess that I'm not convinced you did anything wrong. I am glad to see that Evernote finally "spent a couple of hours researching your ticket", but had they done so back in June when they were supposed to then all of this might have been avoided. It looks to me like everything you said and did from June to now is what finally got Evernote to reply to you with a real explanation. In my mind, if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes.

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  9. Thanks Evernote for bringing back public notebooks quicker than expected. Sorted now for both Windows desktop and web versions. Your quick response to the outcry more than patches up things with me. Makes me feel that for any significant rollback in the future that users unanimously disagree on - both premium and free users will be heard. Awesome!


    Frank123, I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but until Evernote publicly gives an estimate of how long this feature will be available (they brought it back "for now"), I can't use it.

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  10. Very glad that they listened and rolled this feature back, but I am concerned it and other features I use everyday could disappear in future. The shared note features is one of my primary reasons for using Evernote and I had hoped to expand this to notebooks of my training content.


    But now I am hesitant to write the content in Evenote if I won't be able to share the notebook I am creating it in.


    Exactly. The damage is done and I don't trust them anymore. Especially given that they are rolling it back temporarily until they decide to take it away again. Are we supposed to invest our time in creating content for a public notebook just to have them take it away again?  I get the impression that the rolling back may have been just to appease us for a while, in that "this will shut them up for a little while and then we will just announce it before taking it away again next month, or within a year, or next year..."  Or maybe they will switch that feature over to the business accounts, which amounts to the same thing, really.

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  11. I can confirm that existing public notes and notebooks still work, at least for now. It looks like public notes can still be made too, at least for now. It would seem that only public notebooks got the axe, at least as far as I can infer from the support response posted above and from experimenting. Without an official public announcement though, all we have is inference....


    Indeed, Notebooks that were made public before the change are still accessible, or are supposed to be.  I had two public notebooks, one of which is no longer available. I've got a ticket open about why that is, as both should still be available. Until support figures this out, you might want to double-check all of your public notebooks to ensure their urls still work. The one I have that doesn't work was created about 4 to 5 days before the change, and had a single note in it. I don't know if that is relevant, but if you have a made a notebook public very recently or have one with a single note in it, perhaps you can tell me if it still works.

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  12. zgoude, I am pretty angry at Evernote right at the moment, so apologies if I sound like I'm ranting BUT Evernote just removed the ability to make a notebook public without telling any of us. I was quite embarrassed when members of a community advised me this morning that my link no longer worked. And then when I went to re-share the notebook, the ability to create a link to it was gone.  Customer Support got back to me a few minutes ago with this:


    Yes we informed today that there has been a changed to the option to offer Public Notebook URL's, we have decided that for security we would require for Users to share that notebook individually. That option would be located below generally where you would obtain and copy the link to the Public URL. You would now just need to add each E-Mail of each user that you wish to share that information with, ensure it is the E-Mail associated with their Evernote account.

    This will also help with regulating who has access to your information. Giving you more control and security over your information.


    Well, I'm sorry, but making something public is not the same as sharing with a few people's email.  If I wanted that option I would have selected it. As for security concerns, what are those concerns? Why wasn't I told about them, and why can't I choose for myself? 


    It is such bad form for a software company to remove functionality especially without advising its paid users. 


    I am very upset with Evernote right now. Not just because of what they have done but how they went about it.  Very upset indeed.




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