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Coffee First Thing

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Posts posted by Coffee First Thing

  1. On 10/28/2020 at 6:31 AM, niikassim said:

    Last used about 4 weeks ago. No widgets, generally slow, images appearing as attachments, unable to edit a file with a default app etc. 

    Love the UI though, and the ability to highlight in different colours.

    Overall will give it a 4 out of 10, but then again it is in beta. 

    I just noticed that, too: Images appear as attachments in Evernote 10 for Android. I'm running the latest version of Evernote for Android, updated January 20.

  2. My three phones just updated to the latest Evernote Android version. I am having the same major problems on all three phones, a Pixel 4XL, Samsung Galaxy Note Ultra, and a Sharp Aquos. These problems include:

    * New notes don't save

    * My default notebook does not show up in the notebook list

    * My default notebook does not appear in shortcuts (even though it is there on my desktop)

    * I can't make the default notebook available offline

    * I can no longer write a quick note from the notification bar

    * I can no longer add a note or notebook to the home screen 

    • Like 2
  3. 7 hours ago, Barabasz said:

    Let me quote myself from another thread

    I was never convinced by OneNote. To complicated interface, especially desktop one, and too complicated note (all those floating text-boxes and other widgets - I always keep thing simple, one under another). What I love about Evernote is that I can collapse sidebar, and see only snippets on the left, and the content of a selected note on the other side. I don't have time for placing notes in certain stacks, stacks in notebooks etc. I keep all my notes in one gigantic notebook and rely entirely on search (and tags) because I don't like wasting time organizing things. But that is my way of using. This kind of user experience is impossible in OneNote (in my opinion). 

    On the other side - I have an Office 365 subscription and I will have (I think it is the best office workspace and I am using OneDrive cloud as my primary storage). So OneNote is in a certain sense "for free".

    But I'm still looking for something else... I was thinking about DEVONthink, but I work on Windows as well and they don't offer win app :(

    You're not alone. I found OneNote too complicated. 

    I see Evernote 10 is improving on a regular basis. I continue to have hope for Evernote. (Especially if they give us the ability to put shortcuts at the top.)

  4. 39 minutes ago, h3artbe_at said:

    Am switching, canceling my sub, but keeping existing notes around on EN till I’ve safely migrated and gotten used to my new workflows.

    Someone said earlier that EN broke his heart. It broke mine too. Sounds silly I know. I get that EN decisions aren’t personal, but for me it is. I consider myself a low-maintenance user, the kind that leaves their subscriptions running once they've committed, who rarely bothers support staff for anything and would just quietly figure out problems, tolerate minor bugs and freezes, taking for granted that future updates would eventually fix things.

    Until now. I signed up to the forum recently only after the v10 update seriously interrupted my workflow. I have to say... reading all these posts more eloquent than my own on here and on reddit expressing the frustration and disappointment I too am feeling was a source of comfort to me.


    When Evernote didn't take into account with version 10 is that for many people, Evernote isn't a luxury. It's a necessity. We rely on Evernote. 

    Going from Evernote 6 to Evernote 10 is like your car suddenly having only two gears, no air conditioning, the radio doesn't work, and the windows are stuck in the closed position. 

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  5. 7 hours ago, Bryn26 said:

    Evernote has already said that the Legacy edition won't be kept around indefinitely. Considering what a red flag v10 is for Evernote as a company, and how in tune they are with the needs of their target market, I've already bought the lifetime Nimbus Notes account on Appsumo. All the features that matter to me are available there.

    Nimbus looks to me to be the closest Evernote replacement. There are a few features that I'm used to in Evernote that Nimbus doesn't have, but I'm pleased with their roadmap. 

    Nimbus' web version is robust.

    • Like 2
  6. 43 minutes ago, Stuhrer said:

    I think this has been addressed but the ENEX-Format does not provide enough information to recreate the links in Joplin. I don't know whether other apps like OneNote are able to do this when importing ENEX files from Evernote.

    And no, I have not tested Nimbus because I also need either a Linux client or a Web access as with Evernote because my work platform is Linux. But thanks for the tip.

    Nimbus has web access. Nimbus is missing some features that Evernote has, but then again, the new Evernote is missing features that Evernote has.

    • Like 5
  7. 51 minutes ago, FrankC said:

    I've been an Evernote user back to the first beta in 2008 (user ~2400 - according to an email from Evernote).

    Following the fiasco which is the latest release - I've been looking around for alternatives to Evernote - Nimbus and Notion being my current testing choices.

    Funnily enough though, the best alternative I've found so far is Evernote Legacy. I cannot believe how the development and release process has been handled so badly for a mature product with millions of users. Relying on Evernote Legacy is not an option though - given there is absolutely no commitment to keeping it running - or no cut-off date specified.

    Having participated in the v10 beta, my impression was that the opinions and suggestions from the beta testers were largely ignored. The only time significant attention was paid to us was when a feature didn't work as the Evernote team had already decided they wanted it. Then it would be actioned. Otherwise - crickets. Pushing out a 'live' release like this is just incomprehensible to me (having worked in SW development for 20+ years). At best, it could have been a public beta - but I don't even think it's ready for that yet.

    So - I'm hanging on until my current subscription expires (or the legacy version stops working) and will re-evaluate then. However, based on what's happened recently, I don't have a lot of hope for improvement.



    It's funny you say that. For me, too, Evernote Legacy is the best alternative I've found to Evernote 10.0. I have my fingers crossed that Evernote 10 becomes as capable as Evernote Legacy. 

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  8. 10 hours ago, richtpt said:


    I do love Evernote and have used it a TON for a long time.  I can't imagine NOT using it!  Fingers crossed something good happens with Version 10 really soon - be that a major update with all the missing features or a rollback.

    I'm a huge Evernote user and fan, and also hugely disappointed by Evernote 10.0. Its lack of features makes Evernote 10 unusable. (For me, these include no keyboard shortcuts and not being able to move the shortcuts to the top of the app.)

    If Evernote renamed version 10 as 10 beta that would go a long way toward inspiring confidence. 

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    In my understanding, Evernote never syncs an entire notebook to Android unless you request it to for offline use. Generally, all that is synced is enough metadata to display a note list and maybe search.

    That's correct. I have a few key notebooks that I always sync for offline access, which Evernote lets me do. 

    With all the other alternatives, I have to choose either to sync no data or all of it. And all if it is a lot. 

    For that reason, none of the Evernote alternatives appeal to me. 

    • Like 1
  10. As far as I can tell, none of the major Evernote alternatives let you selectively sync notebooks with an Android phone. (I don't know about iOS.)

    Like other other long time Evernote users, I have a lot of notes, which take up many gigabytes of space on my PC. If I were to sync my entire notes database with one of these notes app, it might use a prohibitively large amount of storage on my phone. Alternatively, not syncing at all slows down note loading and means that I can't access notes without a data connection.

    I hope I'm wrong, but as far as I can determine, these apps don't have selective notebook syncing:

    Zoho Notebook*


    *Zoho is the only Android app, other than Evernote, that lets you quickly write a note from the notification bar. 


  11. On 12/30/2019 at 4:26 AM, TechPerplexed said:

    Not by choice :)

    Still happy with Joplin - will post some additional insights in the coming weeks - and also my final decision whether I moved across or not, which at this point is not yet a given. I have given up on Notion though, since I found it sort of hard to make friends with the block based approach. I blame it on the simplicity of my brain :D

    One limitation to Joplin seems to be that when it comes to keeping notes on your device, it's all or nothing. There's no serve/cloud access. My Evernote database is 14GB, which would take up a lot of space on my Android phone and especially on my Chromebook. 

    • Like 1
  12. 47 minutes ago, agsteele said:

    How do you find Joplin as an alternative to EN? I found the use of Markdown to be a significant hindrance for me.

    There's one drawback I've noticed with Joplin. All the data is stored on your local device, be it a PC or phone. 

    If you have a large notes database it's going to take up a large amount of storage. 

    I was hoping to try Joplin on my Chromebook, but my data file is over 14 GB, which eats into my Chromebook's storage. 

  13. 10 minutes ago, agsteele said:

    How do you find Joplin as an alternative to EN? I found the use of Markdown to be a significant hindrance for me.

    I've only been using Joplin for about thirty minutes, so my exploration is still in the early stages. 

    I'm not a fan of markdown either. You can turn markdown off and use the WYSIWYG editor, which is more like Evernote. But when you turn Joplin's markdown editor off, you see this warning: "This is an experimental WYSIWYG editor for evaluation only. Please do not use with important notes as you may lose some data! See the introduction post for more information. TO SWITCH TO THE MARKDOWN EDITOR PLEASE PRESS "Code View"."

    Joplin has many features I need, but, unlike the Android version of Evernote, Joplin doesn't give you the ability to add a note from the notification bar. 

  14. 6 hours ago, TonyLim said:

    Yes, Notion seems to have lots of functionality that Evernote does not have (some we have been asking for).  Besides local notebooks (or encryption), the major feature I need is the global tagging.  Although there is an alternate solution provided in Notion, but it is not truly global.

    The next one is Nimbus notes, with global tagging (yet to test out).   But no local notebooks (or encryption).

    Joplin could be another choice, with end-to-end encryption.  Open source.

    I just started exploring Joplin. Thanks.

    Compared with OneNote and Notion, Joplin is a lot less complex, easier to use, and more like Evernote. I also like that the Android app was updated just a few days ago, always a good sign. 

    I'm still hopeful that Evernote 10 will be as feature rich as Evernote 6. 

    • Like 1
  15. On 10/11/2020 at 7:43 PM, toao said:

    no, you are note alone...what are you planning to migrate to?

    I'm exploring Notion, but some of the features I love about Evernote are missing from Notion:

    Notion doesn't let you create a note from the notification bar in Android (creating notes quickly is important to me)
    No OCR
    No location tagging of notes created on an Android phone
    Notion's create a new note keyboard shortcut in Windows (control-N) conflicts with Google Chrome
    Notion doesn't have an "all notes" view
    The Android app doesn't have the ability to create photo notes (though you can share a photo with Notion and add it that way) 

    I'm going to continue to use the legacy version of Evernote for awhile. It works fine and I hope that over the next few weeks, Evernote 10 will become more like Evernote 6. 

    I've been an Evernote Premium user since 2008.


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  16. 8 hours ago, bradsayers said:

    absurd is the word for this. Creating a new note on the fly, regardless of what app I'm in is essential. How could Evernote not get this? In fact, I have most of my mouse buttons configured to do something in Evernote. One mouse button is configured to do a search in Evernote which is great because regardless of the program I'm in, I can quickly open up Evernote, and see the cursor flashing in the search field. 

    I agree. Fast note creation (with keyboard shortcuts) is something I do in Evernote at least a dozen times a day. 

    • Like 1
  17. 8 hours ago, MarcSant said:

    Yeah, at least, there is a chance to continue to using this version, util I migrate my notes to another place.

    But, legacy version lacks native 64 bit versions, that has better deal with huge text notes (source code).

    I'm thinking very serious to abandon Evernote. I'm looking into Notion and it is a really good alternative.

    Let's see what happens.


    I'm not ready to abandon Evernote, but even on the list of what's coming next to Evernote 10, I don't see keyboard shortcuts. I create a new notes and paste into notes all the time in Evernote 6.

    I'm looking at Notion, just to be safe, in case Evernote 10 doesn't become complete. Notion's different and far from perfect. (For instance, the Android version of Notion doesn't have the ability to quickly create a note from the notification bar.) 

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