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Posts posted by iszyman

  1. I've used Evernote for 17 years and have 14,600+ notes. I started free, went Premium in 2009, and have been on Premium or Team ever since. But I went back to Personal a couple of years ago because I get no value from any higher tier. I have been a Beta tester and a UX feedback participant. I'm just putting this out there.

    I understand price hikes, but Evernote has been stumbling for about 5 years, and fixing their bugs and being acquired doesn't really justify doubling/tripling the price for the basic service.

    Especially with their terrible PR announcement messaging:

    • "Real-Time Editing"  I rarely share notes, and I don't need to collaborate on them like Google Docs.
    • "Synchronization technology" This has been core to the product since 2007 at least. Fixing your bugs does not qualify as a product enhancement.
    • "AI assistance": WTF no thank you
    • "And more!" : whatever this eventually is may be the only reason to increase the price. But it's TBD. 

    In 2021, my annual renewal was $41.99 USD.

    In 2022, my annual renewal was $69.99 USD

    in 2023, my new renewal will be $129.99 USD

    I am not sure how I feel about the price hike for basically fixing the things they broke over the last few years when they switched to a "single code base" in 2018.  But please let me know if there's something I'm not considering. Thanks.

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  2. Hello @ebizmarket — welcome to the forums.   

    Have you tried looking in Trash/Deleted notes?

    Have you tried searching for content in the note that is not in the title (in case it got accidentally retitled)?

    I'lll assume you have already adjusted your view of "All Notes" to show by Date Created and also Date Updated  ?


    Good luck!

  3. @Jhx welcome to Evernote on Mac and the forums.  @DTLow is correct, the last notebook you were on when you close Evernote for Mac is same as where it will open. I spend most of my day right now working inside one notebook, so the same one usually opens first for me.

    A couple of ideas you can try:

    1. Drag the notebook you like best into your Shortcuts list at the top, so it's at least faster to find
    2. Try opening your main notebook first, then open any additional notebooks in tabs like you would in a browser, using [Cmd]+ T.  Then the last open notebook should be your favorite, and it should re-open to that one as well.

    Hope this helps.  

  4. Thanks @aukirk. Yes, it's impossible to please everyone all the time.

    FYI — I started playing with the Evernote Web again to see the new Checklists and compare them to the free-standing Checkboxes.  

    I created a few of each, and then I opened up the test note in my Evernote for Mac to see how they appear.  Turns out the functionality of the new Checklists are already working in Evernote for Mac, including drag-and-drop re-order, and indent/outdent using [Tab] or [Shift]+[Tab].

    All you have to do to create a Checklist in Evernote for Mac is start a bulleted list [Cmd]+[Shift]+U and then add a Checkbox immediately after the first bullet [Cmd]+[Shift]+[T], and this sets up a Checklist with as many items as you want, if you hit [Return] after each item. 

    The color formatting is still identical between both types of lists, but it's interesting that they've added this in.  I didn't see an announcement, so maybe they're waiting until the color is ready.

    Is anyone else seeing this?

    Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 10.27.44 AM.png

  5. On 3/27/2020 at 2:27 PM, aukirk said:

    Not sure if you have used the new Web Beta, but it does have “strikethough” and grey out for “checklists”.... and there is a different option for “checkboxes”, which can be inline (ie one line or checklist item can have a number of checkboxes, which have a green outline. I find them pretty easy to differentiate when complete, and really love the new web editor. Can’t wait for it to come to iPadOS and MacOS. 

    Thanks @aukirk. Yes, I have used the Web Beta, but I don't use it daily because it's just not as fast to navigate around as Evernote for Mac. But the look of the checkboxes is definitely easier on the eyes. Green fills are just fine.  They were blue in the Evernote for Mac version.

    I just don't understand why they would remove something that actually improved user experience by making checked boxes easier to see. When it happened, I contacted support, and the Evernote support person sort of coldly implied that they didn't think it was a big deal, and it was just part of some other bug fixes they had pushed.

    If they did research and A/B tested this with a lot of users and found that colored checkboxes were actually not preferred, that's fine. I guess I have to live with it. But I'd suspect it was just some designer's opinion of what looks "cleaner" aesthetically. And the truth about UX is that what looks great is not always the same as what works great...

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  6. A long time ago, Evernote checkboxes would fill blue when they were checked. This made it easy for users' eyes to quickly see what was "done" and not done.

    Given all the forum requests to make checked checkboxes grayed out, strikethrough automatically, or auto-sort to the bottom of the list, it seems like this would be a relatively low level of effort to revert back to the product. And it would improve the actual user experience for all of us.    

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