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About MarcinS

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  1. No point to repeat what 200+ people said in this thread. If you still don't get it, I'll let you live in ignorance. ☮️ For the rest of people - look at Notion and it's functinolaity and ability to auto import Evernote content... you will be surprised.
  2. Tabs are definitely essential and pretty much table stakes feature in this specific case. I've shared my feedback with the app team. The solution with multiple tabs in the browser is a very lame workaround and could only be proposed by an inexperienced and potentially arrogant support person, not by a seasoned product manager. @PinkElephant, I understand that you are not part of the Evernote organisation based on your comments in this thread. You already proposed a workaround, so no need to paste your responses in here anymore. If you were part of their team, I would already let you go based on your attitude, that's just my observation here. Arrogance and ignorance are the two key contributors to many SaaS platforms decline. Let's hope it will not be the case for Evernote. To anyone else, I suggest you send yoru feedback to the provider (email: feedback@evernote.com ).
  3. Hi PinkElephant, can you plese help me understand the following two aspects: - Why was the tab functionality removed from the new version? What was the business and UX rationale behind this? - What is technically stopping you from adding the tab functionality back to the application? - What kind of research you did around the financial impact of not implementing this functionality back (cost of annoying and eventually losing customers)? I must admit that the explanation provided above seems quite arogant and suggest a limited ability to listen to your customers. From experience it leads to an application usage decline if Product Managers don't develop the app for their customers (they tend to go somewhere else). Best, Marcin
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