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About Charlesbaines

  • Birthday 05/02/2000

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  1. I've encountered a similar issue while attempting to capture a Crosshair Screenshot on my iMac using the Shift-Command-5 shortcut and Skitch. Specifically, when selecting the frontmost app window, like Safari, the resulting screenshot displayed a perplexing blank screen with a solitary Notification popup in the upper right corner. It seems that the presence of a Notification interferes with the expected screenshot outcome. I've observed this occurring consistently, and while dismissing the Notification allows for successful capture, it's inconvenient if I wish to retain it. To work around this, I've had to meticulously drag Skitch's crosshair cursor from one corner of the desired app window to the opposite diagonal corner, provided it's visible. This issue might be more widespread or specific to certain apps, and it reminds me of a similar quirk I encountered with the Loklok App for Windows. Just as with the Skitch problem, attempting to capture a screenshot of the Loklok App window sometimes resulted in a blank screen, obscuring the actual content of the app. It's essential for developers to address such inconsistencies, as users often rely on efficient screenshot tools for documentation and sharing, and unexpected behaviors can disrupt these workflows.
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