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Tagging by Dragging/Heirarchy

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Hey folks,

Probably been discussed before but I couldn't find an answer.

I do a lot of work in Evernote Desktop and I love it. Tagging a note with the four or five tags that are appropriate can be tedious, however.

Are there settings that would allow me to:

  • Auto tag a new note if I am creating a new note from within the window that lists notes for a that tag? i.e. if I am currently exploring tag "Soon" and I click "new note" can it be automatically tagged with "Soon"?
  • Tag a note I drag into the lowest-level tag in a hierarchy of nested tags with all of the tags in the hierarchy above? For instance, if I created a tag "blue" within tag "colors", which is in turn within tag "qualities", and I dragged a new note to "blue", it would have all three tags.

Thanks for your help or suggestions, and since I'm new to the forum please excuse any lapses in proper terminology :)

Take Care,


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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, John12713 said:

Auto tag a new note if I am creating a new note from within the window that lists notes for a that tag? i.e. if I am currently exploring tag "Soon" and I click "new note" can it be automatically tagged with "Soon"?

No tools to do this automatically. If you need to make a lot of "Soon" tagged notes, the easiest thing to to would be to make a note template that has the "Soon" tag, and copy it to whatever notebook you need.

5 hours ago, John12713 said:

Tag a note I drag into the lowest-level tag in a hierarchy of nested tags with all of the tags in the hierarchy above? For instance, if I created a tag "blue" within tag "colors", which is in turn within tag "qualities", and I dragged a new note to "blue", it would have all three tags.

Again, there is no tool that does this that I know of. On the other hand, Evernote just added the ability to search for any notes containing a subtag of another tag (e.g. any note that has a subtag of "color", like "blue"). It's a global setting (Tools / Options / Navigation / "Automatically select child tags"), which I think is unfortunate (the rare occasions when I'd use something like that, I'd want it as an ad hoc thing), but you might find it useful in your use case.

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  • Austin G changed the title to Tagging by Dhttps://discussion.evernote.com/topic/99638-tagging-by-draggingheirarchy/ragging/Heirarchy


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