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Snote integration with Evernote

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Hello everyone,


I use SNote to take notes. I have around 50 notebooks. Whenever I update my notebooks, evernote syncs them as notes(instead of note books) with the name of notebook on SNote app. I would like to move all notebooks over to Evernote and manage all new notes within the notebooks.



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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I use SNotes on my Note4 because it's a hardware-linked thing;  pull out the stylus and I can write a note immediately.  And I can save my SNotes to Evernote to have the advantage of general searchability and reminders.  However in my experience so far I don't believe I can edit an SNote within Evernote - I have to open it in the SNote software to add or change the content.  This may or may not be an issue for you,  but I'd be reluctant to give up the convenience of SNote and move completely to Evernote to create handwritten notes there.


I can't guess how much information you have in 50 notebooks,  or how Evernote converts the contents of a notebook into a single note (if that's what's happening for you);  but the level of compatibility between the two apps is not documented anywhere I can find.  It sounds like you may have to convert your notebooks into single SNotes (you could link the contents of a notebook together by including a standard keyword or number code in each note) and then synchronise them with Evernote,  search for the keyword/ code and either group those notes into an Evernote notebook,  or add a common tag.

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