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Feature Request: Making formatting just work

Mark Levison


I love Evernote as a clipping tool but cringe at the thought of using it to do any writing. There are so many problems trying to create things like lists, etc. that I go made every time I try to write in Evernote. I assume you just store html in the database so please consider trying an off the shelf html editor that works cross platform Mac/Win etc.


For bonus points give us clear instructions on how to paste something into Gmail and MS Word that looks right when we get there. Evernote is an excellent tool (recent quality issues aside), but the formatting capabilities hold it back from more. If you want basic UI hints on this one MS Word has established the standard that most of our fingers are trained to use. You may not want to copy them but support the same default behaviours i.e. if creating a list two carriage returns end the list.




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What versions of OS and Evernote are you running?


I think Evernote is trying to improve the Note Editor.  They are in the process of rolling out a new common editor in EN Mac and EN Win.

The first ver to use this new common editor was EN Mac 6.2 Update -- Released 

The latest is a beta ver:  EN Mac 6.3 Beta 1 -- Released 


If you're not on at least Ver 6.2, then you might try it to see if your issues have been fixed.

IAC, the best place to post your issues is in one of those threads, and be sure to be as specific as possible, providing steps to reproduce and screen shots.




I love Evernote as a clipping tool but cringe at the thought of using it to do any writing. There are so many problems trying to create things like lists, etc. that I go made every time I try to write in Evernote. I assume you just store html in the database so please consider trying an off the shelf html editor that works cross platform Mac/Win etc.


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