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Sync recently changed notes across devices

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I happily use Evernote on my Macbook, iPad and iPhone, depending on where I am and what device I've with me. But one thing is annoying me and I hope there is an option I missed to fix it:


If I change a note on my Macbook or create a new note I can easily find it the next day because I have my notes sorted on 'date of last edit' (don't know the exact wording in the English Evernote). But when I look on my iPad or iPhone it doesn't pop up as most recently changed. It seems every device only records the date of changes made on that particular device. Is there any way to synchronize this? 

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  It sounds like your devices aren't syncing properly,  or you;re not giving them time to sync when opening/ closing the app.  The created and updated dates in a note are available to and can be sorted with each device.  Make sure you sync the Macbook when you end a session,  and sync the other devices when you start to use them,  and everything should be fine...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for your reply. Confident that it should work as you described I did some further testing. And it seems that, indeed, everything is syncing ok. But on my iPad there is something wrong:


When you launch Evernote on iPad you get a short list (5 entries) of notes in the left menu bar. And these are not synced properly, they don't show the last edited notes. But when I choose 'all notes' I get the full list which is synced just fine. Any ideas how to fix this?


Kind regards,


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  • Level 5*

Again,  this appears to be a sync issue - until the app has synced,  all you're going to see is the last synced copy of a note,  which may be hours or days old. Going to All Notes presumably prompts a sync so the device can check for and display any new notes that might be available.  It also means that it can show the latest content for all notes.  The app should sync automatically when it starts,  but you may want to try manually syncing as well..

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Again thank you for your fast reply. Unfortunately I am certain that this isn't a syncing error.


Right now I'm working on my MacBook and have my iPad and my iPhone on my desk next to it. (All versions of Evernote are up-to-date.) Evernote is running on all three devices and synced correctly. When I view 'All Notes' everything is exactly the same and sorted to date correctly. But when I view the start screen, or side bar respectively, it's messed up. My iPad has a close approximation to reality and my iPhone is way off.


To make matters more interesting: I have 12 notebooks and 116 notes total. The following is what is listed on my start screen / side bar:


Macbook: 12 notebooks and 119 notes

iPad: 12 notebooks and 112 notes

iPhone 10 notebooks and 118 notes


So when I take a closer look all devices have 12 notebooks and 116 notes in total. But the summary is off on all three...


Any thoughts?

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See this thread https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/82257-different-number-of-notes-reported-among-synced-devices/#entry350226for a solution that worked for me regarding different numbers of notes reported. If you create a new tag on the notes on the Mac it may force them to sync to the other devices. Or create a new notebook and move them over temporarily to force a new sync.

On iOS my recently opened notes in the home screen has always reflected recent activity on each device and not the most recently viewed anywhere. I though background refresh was supposed to update this, but I have not found my iOS devices to sync in the background.

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  • Level 5*

I'd suggest also that you look for Conflicting Changes notebooks and check your Trash notebook on those devices that have one - small differences in note totals can be down to intentionally unsynced extra notes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your replies. Still I am certain it is not a syncing error. I did the following to share with you the best test results possible:


I reinstalled Evernote on my iPhone and iPad. After the first sync everything was completely the same as on my Macbook.

Then I made 5 new notes and edited them on the corresponding devices with 1 minute interval as follows:


12:48 Macbook test list

12:47 iPhone test list 2

12:46 iPhone test list 1

12:45 iPad test list 2

12:44 iPad test list 1


I know that everything synced correctly because when I view 'all notes' this is the list I get on all three devices. 



But when I go to the start screen on my iPhone where it shows the summary/overview for my 3 most recent notes this is what I get:


12:47 iPhone test list 2

12:46 iPhone test list 1

12:44 iPad test list 1



And when I view the side bar on my iPad where it shows the summary/overview for my 5 most recent notes this is what I get:


12:45 iPad test list 2

12:44 iPad test list 1

12:46 iPhone test list 1

12:47 iPhone test list 2

12:48 Macbook test list 



I hope I made it clear now that everything is syncing correctly, including the time and date of the last edit. But the problem persists where:


The summary/overview on my iPhone is sorted on the time and date of notes last edited on my iPhone only.

The summary/overview on my iPad is sorted on the time and date of notes last edited on my iPad only.



I could create or edit 20 notes on my Macbook and iPad and sync them correctly, so they will show up when I view 'all notes' on my iPhone. But if I don't edit any notes on my iPhone the summary/overview on my iPhone would still look like what I posted above.

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