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Hide some stacks/notebooks/notes from searches

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I have both personal and business notebooks as I guess most people using Evernote have...


When I do some searches (sometimes in front of clients) how do I stop from seeing my personal stacks/notebooks/notes from coming up in the searches?


Eg can I mark some notes as Personal?

Can I easily omit a certain Notebook from coming up in search results?


I did some searching through the Evernote documentation but didn't see a solution. I google it as well but didn't come up with anything....


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Kind regards, Kyle.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  If this is a problem for you there are a few options - you could put one set of notebooks into a 'Stack' of notebooks,  and include only that stack in your searches,  or exclude it from your searches - depending on which way around you're using it. 


Try some experiments using "stack:<StackName>" or "-stack:<StackName>" to include or exclude content.


You could also tag all your work or personal notes and include or exclude notes with that tag,  or set up a saved search before you visit a client for any searches that are liable to come up - save those results into a 'Table of Contents' page and each client can have their own listing of relevant notes without the need for searches.

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Hi Gazumped,

Thanks for your reply.

I can certainly try the advanced search method.

The other suggestions are also possible.

I was really hoping to do something like have 2 major categories of Business and Personal and be able to choose between the 2 and the searches only search through one of the other.

this would save having to tag each note separately during creation... I normally file the notes in a notebook anyway so doing that and putting it in a particule Personal notebook would be easier...

Does anyone know if Evernote are planning something along the lines of what I'm suggesting?

Cheers, Kyle.

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  • Level 5*

Ok that's grand thanks.

I'll try your stack idea - sounds like the easiest implementation!


Yup, put all your work notebooks in a stack called Work (or whatever) and use that as your search context.  This method has been working well for me for some time now.

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