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How to create multiple work chat with same people ?

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Need help!


How can I create multiple work chat with same person ? 

as i need to have a individual work chat with this person according to the different task assigned. So that , we i check back to task/note then i will know what are the content we discussed easily. 

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  What OS,  what device,  and what do you find is a problem?  If you open a chat on a second note with someone with whom you already started a chat,  what happens?

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Window, PC,
Pro version

my problem is  I wish to make a unique work chat in every different task/topics but  its cant allow me to create a second chat with same people


currently, when I open work chat, it always show the same one and all the messages were in 1 work chat only.

Its makes me hard to find back what I have discussed regarding the topics i have in my Evernote if all the messages were in 1 chat.


I do hope there is a "Recall" messages function in work chat to make it better because sometime, people will send wrong thing or to wrong people.



Looking for your great help.  



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A 'recall' button might be a good feature request.  An Evernote Employee said some weeks ago that a 'naming chats' feature would be released "soon"...




When ? i have noticed that the work chat  developer  last login was Aug 2015 ..

is he/she being fired ??  i really wondering how fast is the respond by EVERNote staff

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  • Level 5*

It's unusual for developers to announce anything before it's actually available,  and I put quotes around 'soon' because that's a catchall "sometime this century - probably".  Evernote work to their own timetable - I wouldn't expect to see any further comments about naming chats until it happens,  whenever that might be..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear work chat developers ,  


 are you guys working on it ??? 

else, please share more with us about your improvement on workchat features.....

I am really looking forward to see this happen in before Christmas ... then, it would be a great Christmas gift of the year 2015​


​ ​

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