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(Archived) not finding text in attached text files?

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hi all,

i have two notes which contain the same text. but in note1, the text in inside the note (pasted), and in note2, the text is in the text-file, which was dragged&dropped into the note.

see the two screenshots.



now, when i search for a term, which is i both of the two notes, EN only find the text in the note, where the text inside the note.


simple question: why?

are simple textfiles not indexed?

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No, *.txt files are fairly uncommon in Evernote, so we don't index them.

We do plan to modify the Windows client so that dropping a *.txt file will import the content into the body of the note rather than creating an attachment.

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No, *.txt files are fairly uncommon in Evernote, so we don't index them.

We do plan to modify the Windows client so that dropping a *.txt file will import the content into the body of the note rather than creating an attachment.


When you speak of Windows client, do you mean MAC client as well?

anyway, i fragmentary remember, that this (import the body of a text file) happened sometimes before. but i really don't know exactly, because it sometimes worked, and sometimes not. neither do i remember on which OS.

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  • 1 month later...

I'd like to request that text files be indexed and searchable; will this happen by default when the text-file-as-attachment bug (I wish I had a Bugzilla # to refer to!) is fixed? Or is it a separate issue/bug? To me, text files are the most simple, basic case; if ER can search my crappy handwritten notes photographed with a cameraphone (magic!) it ought to be able to search vanilla text files.

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