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Move EN Database


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I wish to move EN database and have followed the information so far available (tools--> option -->) but I must move off 'C:' and the destination (network) 'H:' is not presented as an option.


Background is Win 7 in a corporate setting.  Restricted (and exceeding) profile space on 'C:' hence need to make the move (constant windows derived messages intrude on my work flow).  Please don't ask me to talk to my IT :-0

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Evernote doesn't play well with network drives,  especially on work networks.  If you can't see an H drive then it's not available.  There's quite a bit of comment hereabouts on the question of keeping personal data on work systems - general consensus seems to be that it's better not to,  and if it's not 'official',  then it's really better not to.  Options would be a mobile device or the web version - or may be have a separate work account and 'share' a notebook with that account from your main database.  Your new account will only have that notebook to display,  so you're not storing so much data locally.

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Thanks for interest in my problem.


Certainly interested in the 'personal data on corporate server' issue.


Workaround - turns out the (usually locked) USB ports allow my 'keyring' so I just bought a bigger one and I'll have EN where ever I go (next week)


Closed - as far as I am concerned.

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