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(Archived) No Links to Notes in EN 3.0 Beta?

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It looks as if all the links to notes are gone in EN 3.0 Beta. :)

  • [*:eb6e0]No note-to-note links.
    [*:eb6e0]No Word document to EverNote note links.
    [*:eb6e0]No Excel document to EverNote note links.
    [*:eb6e0]No Windows XP desktop to EverNote note links.
    [*:eb6e0]No Mindjet MindManager links to EverNote notes (the one I personally care the most about).

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  • 2 weeks later...

There already exist a possibility to link EN3 Notes but a little inconvenient. I've got it by chance.

You can't drag a EN 3 Note back to EN 2.2, but you can select a word or a picture or the hole stuff of a EN 3 Note and drag it to EN 2.2. Then you get a new Note with an hyperlink "Go to source web page>>" back to the original EN 3 Note. Rightclick this hyperlink and you can copy the properties and past this in another application. Voilá, there is the link to an EN 3 Note. :)

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Yup. I noticed today that one of the ENbases I've created now has empty fields that say, "Click here to read instructions", where "here" used to link to the note with instructions.

I hope this gets implemented very soon, and that it works with previously-created note links.

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