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Basic, Plus or Premium

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Trying to understand the differences between these versions of Evernote.  I downloaded and signed up for Evernote Basic (I think).  The Upgrade to Evernote Plus page suggests that features of Plus includes ability to save emails and syncing between PC and mobile devices.  I am already able to do both with my version.  Perhaps it is a trial version to get me hooked on Plus without actually telling me so.  Hmmm...  I'd like to ask Evernote, but apparently I need Premium to do that.  Please do not tell me that the only useable version is Premium.


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I think that it should read Evernote Premium in the Header when your using Premium because as it is right now there's no way to differentiate. I have premium and was made aware that I could have more than 1 email user account. but when I went to Tools - Account info on my secondary username email account it says that its Evernote Basic, So I only have my primary that's on premium.

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