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Paste from Anywhere

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Hi All,


Is it possible to use Paste from Anywhere and have the results be pasted into the currently active/selected Note within evernote?

It is not useful to me if just creates new notes each time.


Thanks John 

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Not directly but it may be possible with an autohotkey script (well I'm almost sure it is but I'm not sure I can write it, I'll take a look tomorrow, it's kind of script I could use)

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Done, and seems to work ^^

(I prefered to use new shortcuts to keep ctrl-c and ctrl-v for normal use)


(edit: remove a test line)

/* 	ClipStackctrl-space : add content to the clipboardctrl-alt-space : paste content in the single view note, even if minified (create new one if none is open)ctrl-q : close the script */#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.#singleInstance;DetectHiddenText, On; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------global compil:=""^Space::clipboard:=""send ^cclipwait, 1compil := compil clipboard "`n"sleep 100return^!Space::clipboard := compilclipwait, 1PasteToEN()send, ^vsleep 100compil:=""return^q::ExitAppPasteToEN(){	IfWinNotExist ahk_class ENSingleNoteView	{		Send, ^!n		WinWaitActive, ahk_class ENSingleNoteView	}	else	{	WinActivate, ahk_class ENSingleNoteView	}	ControlFocus, WebViewHost2	send, ^{end} {enter}	return} 
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