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Creating a Table of Contents

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in Evernote, I have created a table of contents of my physical book library by taking pictures of my books and creating a note for each of them, I placed each picture in a folder named Books, I then created a table of contents (TOC) for that folder .


My question is: I have a folder on my hard drive with PDFs of reports and eBooks that I would like to create a TOC for in Evernote. Do I need to upload them all into Evernote and then create the TOC or can Evernote create a TOC for the folder on my hard drive like it did for the Evernote Folder? I am asking because when I go on trips and see something I would like to buy, I would like to know at a glance if I already have it or not, or if I am searching online away from my desktop, say on my phone, I would like to be able to know if I already have the file before I buy it.


I hope that I have explained myself good enough.


Thank you.



  • Level 5*

Hi.  The Evernote TOC feature is only applicable to notes.  You will be able to create a file listing for a folder separately though and copy/ paste it into a note.  Your only problem may be generating a list of files - Some operating systems seem not to allow you to do this without add-in help.  Have a search around for "list files in folder <your OS>" to find out what options you may have. 


gazumped, thank you for the information. I will create .jpegs of the digital books on the computer and put them into notes and create a TOC that way. Right now I only have 59, so it should not take too long. For me a picture is worth a thousand words anyway and the ability to search is worth it's weight. 


Again thank you.



  • Level 5*

One caveat - if you're adding pictures of book covers,  OCR tends to be allergic to extreme fonts and designer cover layouts - unless you have very soberly designed books you will probably have to add the title and author manually if that's not part of the file name rather than rely on Evernote to OCR the picture.


Good luck!  :)


Yes, I ran into that issue doing the physical books and did title them accordingly.


Thank you. 


  • Level 5*

My question is: I have a folder on my hard drive with PDFs of reports and eBooks that I would like to create a TOC for in Evernote.


In addition to creating a TOC of your eBooks/PDFs in Evernote, you may also find it useful to include a link in the EN Note to the actual file on your hard drive.


To create a link to the file in Evernote,

  • enter and select the file name (or other title that you wish to use)
  • Press CTRL+K to assign a hyperlink
  • Enter "file:///" + the complete file path of the file on your hard drive

Thank you JMichael. That is helpful. I could make a note of links for the files I would use all the time. I will try that.



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