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Evernote Suggestion: Multiple Deletion of Notebooks

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For some reason, I seem to get a lot of Sync Conflicts that then generates a bunch of "Sync Conflict" notebooks.  I don't mind that, but it is tedious to delete them all when I have a bunch because I can only do one at a time.  It's even more time consuming because I have to confirm that I want to delete the notebook as well.  Ideally I wouldn't have Sync conflicts, but if that's not solvable then it would be nice if you'd allow users to select multiple notebooks to delete at one time.  Thanks for listening!

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I appreciate the quick responses.  I do try my best to sync before and after, as well as update the apps on all my platforms.  However, it just happens that I get "Conflict" notebooks building up over time and I'd like to have the ability to do multiple deletion of notebooks.  Should be a relatively straightforward feature.  Most apps and OS's support multiple delete, why not Evernote?  

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