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Schedule Social Sharing

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I am an Executive Coach and have a fair sized network on LinkedIn.


I would like to share articles from HBR and other sources with my LinkedIn network (which is already possible).


What does not seem possible is to schedule the sharing of the note.


I am aware that Evernote has a Remind Me function, but what I would like is to be able to type my thoughts/responses to a clipped article whilst they are still fresh, but then be able to schedule when it will be posted to LinkedIn.


I may in one day clip several articles and I don't want to dump them all on LinkedIn in that same day, as I may then not clip articles for several days, which means that my LinkedIn shares will be very sporadic, whereas I would prefer a more structured publishing stream.


Is this a functionality that could be incorporated into LinkedIn (even if only into the Premium version) or can anyone think of a workaround? 



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I've never used it and don't know exactly how it works, but you might want to check out IFTTT, which does intergrate with Evernote. Below is a link to their About page on their website. I would also suggest you run a forum search for "IFTT" - minus the quotation marks and, if needed, all in lower case instead of all CAPs - to see how other EN users are using to send their notes to and from Evernote.


Hope that helps. Cheers!

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  • Level 5*

Interesting problem.  Not sure if IFTT works on the basis of timed or dated activity from within Evernote,  but some of the email reminder systems do.  Followup.cc (forinstance) allows you to schedule an email reminder for a specific date and time.  If you arranged for the reminder to trigger an IFTT action that might work.. maybe..

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Interesting problem.  Not sure if IFTT works on the basis of timed or dated activity from within Evernote,  but some of the email reminder systems do.  Followup.cc (forinstance) allows you to schedule an email reminder for a specific date and time.  If you arranged for the reminder to trigger an IFTT action that might work.. maybe..

Hi - thank you both for the advice. I have figured out my own workaround.


When I clip an article there is space for remarks, so I can type my thoughts in there. At the same time I can set a reminder for the date that I would like to post it. On that day I will then open the article and "share" it to LinkedIn. I presume I will have to copy and paste my own remarks, but that is the best way that I can figure it out working within the current parameters.


I do believe that this would be a great feature to bake into LinkedIn, as it will deepen and enrich the social sharing ability of the platform.


Nonetheless, thanks again.

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