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Typing a tag, autocomplete


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Maybe this little annoyance is new with the latest update (now on v.5.6.4), I use EN on multiple platforms and don't remember encountering this before. It just means typing more characters for each tag I add, and basically I type for a living, so no big deal, right? Anwyay,


In the Windows client, when I start typing the name of an existing tag, I see autocomplete options below the field as usual. Lately, however, the list of options is in an illogical order. Once I've typed a few characters of a tag name, the top members of the list are the least relevant, as often as not.


I understand the benefit of searching for tag names that contain the letters I typed, but I would like to see the best options above the scroll, sorted logically, by relevance rather than alphabetically, so the tags I see first are those that start with the letters I typed.


Example: I have a frequently used tag named "Residential" and I've clicked "Click to Add Tag..." and typed "R" for starters. I glance at the autocomplete options to remember whether it's Res, Residence, or Residential. I see the first 10 options and scroll down to see all 15 options, in this order:


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Note the first tag starting with "R" is 11th on the list. When I type the second letter, "Re", the list is narrowed to just 3 options and "Residential" is 2nd.





Typing more letters is the obvious solution. In this example typing "Res" would isolate "Residential." And maybe EN has always been this way since autocomplete was added to tags.

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  • Level 5*

Evernote for Windows is currently up to The tag dropdown no longer exhibits the behavior you cite; it only matches what you've typed with the start of tag names: i.e., if you had typed "re", it would match the tag "REsidential", but not the tag "pREmium".

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  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5*

How do you remove tags?  I mistakenly entered americn express on a tag. Now I need to type out american e every time I want to tag because it pulls the first one up.

Find it in the Tag list in the left pane, and right click on it. Enlightenment will follow.
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  • Level 5*

When I do that delete is shaded out and not possible.  the only option on the right click is "Add to shortcut" I can see delete, it just will not let me select it.  Using Windows

Is it a tag that comes from a notebook that someone else has shared to you? Then you cannot delete it; only the notebook owner can delete tags.
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  • Level 5*

Try logging into the tag owner account with the Evernote web client and see whether you can delete them from there. Switch from the beta to the current release if it doesn't work in the beta.

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