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behavior for URL's/websites already saved in evernote (feature request?)


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i have the webclipper extension installed on chrome on osx 10.8.5

sometimes i save a page to evernote (mostly as a bookmark), but want to add another tag or edit them.

but when i hit the evernote icon again, i don't see all the tags and stuff i already associated with the URL, but get an 'empty' pane for adding tags and descriptions and so.

1st it would be great to see this pane in the state as i have saved the note.

2nd it would be great if the evernote icon in the toolbar would reflect that i already have saved a website (just like the favorites icon).


is this lack due to technical limitations, or even by intention?


where would be the best place to request this as a feature?






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  • Level 5

The Web clipper creates a new note on every usage. It does search you acoount in order to find the most appropriate notebook and tags. But it does not detect an existing note from the same page. It would indeed be a nice feature especially when you just save the URL.

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I join in the request—because I sometimes add pages to Evernote to look at them later, and then come across them again while surfing, forgetting that I've already clipped them.


(I understand that this feature would add complexity to Clipper and require building an index by the page url, so I'd consider it a cherry on the cake.)

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