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Business Cards

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When Evernote "acquired" Cardmunch and I transferred all my business cards over per the instructions,  they were just embedded in all my Evernote Notes , not sorted alphabetically or in any way really useful.  Any new cards I entered also just went into the Notes que.  Why can't business cards in Evernote be put into a separate folder or category and sorted either by name or company?  Or, is there a way to do this now and its just not apparent?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

The only information I'm aware of on the Cardmunch acquisition is here - https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/58659-evernote-business-card-scanning-and-cardmunch-transition/


Evernote itself now scans business cards in iOS and Android (normally a Premium feature) - http://www.cnet.com/how-to/scan-business-cards-into-evernote-for-android-without-upgrading/ - and in this case can import the sacnned card information into 'phone contacts.

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  • Level 5*

EN is not a contact manager by any stretch. You could put all of your business card notes into their own notebook or tag them with Business.Card or the like.

Relative to sorting you could start the note title with last name, first name followed by company name. Or the reverse. I would probably us the former then you would get a name sort if you searched by company name and sorted by note title. Workaround for sure, FWIW.

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