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Reminder/Calendar requirement

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I thoroughly enjoy working with Evernote and the opportunities it gives me in using it as my main organizational platform both for my small business and personal life.


One thing that I find missing though is a sort of Calendar to help me manage better any item/issue that needs some form of time management.


My idea is to totally get rid of any calendar whether its Outlook, Google, Cloud etc and have this function within Evernote.

One thing I have tried but failed was to somehow display all the "Reminder" notes chronologically  that one would be able to to view in a calendar form.


Any suggestions? am I missing something that may already be available?




Lino VG 

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I teach time management, and I wouldn't recommend using Evernote as your calendar. 


While I love Evernote and use it like an auxiliary brain, it just isn't built to be a calendar and show appointments. Yes, you could probably do convoluted work arounds, but my recommendation is to invest that time in a good quality calendar program/app combo instead.

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