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sync with phone

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Tell us what kind of phone you have


normally just going to the App store, getting the free Evernote app


Opening the app and logging in with your current User name and password will make it synch with everything but there might be some particulars about wach kind of phone

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thank you, I actually downloaded the Evernote first on my android, she is a virgin mobile model # N800, Android version 4.1.2., Then went to pc and downloaded and decided on purchasing the premium package.  Just not sure if it synced  not sure how to tell. 

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You can tell it synced because you'll see your notes display on both devices. Both applications also offer a way to see when the last sync occurred (though I don't use Windows or Android so I cannot tell you exactly where to locate that, as it different on each system). 

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thank you, I actually downloaded the Evernote first on my android, she is a virgin mobile model # N800, Android version 4.1.2., Then went to pc and downloaded and decided on purchasing the premium package.  Just not sure if it synced  not sure how to tell. 



You can tell it synced because you'll see your notes display on both devices.  . . . . 



hmmmmmmmmm ,


What scott said is exactly right, it's going to be so obvious that it synched because you will see your phone notes on your PC now


Do you see them on your PC?


Yes I see them.

Then your notes are synching


No I do not see them.

Is it possible that when you went to your PC and downloaded the program, started it up and signed up for a premium premiership that you signed up using a different account name or different email address - and thus a different account?

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