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Evernote registration page TOS brings me to automobile repair website


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Hello! I am wondering if anyone can help me to figure out why my brand new Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro from Best Buy with Windows 8.1 had pre-installed Evernote Touch and when I opened Evernote to register and clicked on the "Terms of Service" to read what I was agreeing to, I was taken to "tos.com", a Sacramento-based automobile repair website? This is very disturbing. It's a brand new computer. I'm using a private, secure internet connection. I'm using Firefox to connect to the internet. And, I'm using AVG and Microsoft for security. I would like to use Evernote. And, I would like the trust Evernote and Lenovo and Windows but at this point, there's clearly a problem. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  • Level 5*

Hi.  Evernote's Terms of Service page is at http://evernote.com/legal/tos.php, not tos.com and it's most likely that when someone created the link that you used,  they specified the wrong address for that page, hence the redirect to auto-repair.  There's no conspiracy involved,  just a coding error.  I'm sure Evernote will correct it now that they're aware of it - I'll flag your post for their attention.  Thanks for the information.  (If you still haven't seen the ToS,  try here.)


Thanks for replying. You may be right that it's a coding error. I watched carefully when I clicked on the Evernote Touch registration page's "Terms of Service" and it opened Firefox with "TOS" in the address bar (blank screen) and then brought me to "tos.com" (automobile repair site). Is there any way to check directly with Evernote technical staff to verify this? Will they contact me since you've flagged it for their attention? I'd like to trust my computer and my version of Evernote, which I am very excited to try using for the first time, but I'm wary given this issue.

Thanks again!

  • Level 5*

There's nothing here to be concerned about - there are several explanations for your browser going to the wrong page and none of them would affect your ability to save and view notes reliably. I've been to the page you saw in error and it is a perfectly normal website - it just happened to be the wrong one. Evernote staffers aren't likely to comment on this other than (maybe) to thank you for catching a small error.


Thanks for the catch--we're trying to find exactly where there might be a hardcoded error pointing to tos.com and not to evernote.com/legal/tos.php. I just had one of our support reps walk through the new registration flow on Evernote Touch and we're not seeing the incorrect link, tested the ToS amongst a few other links.


I wouldn't necessarily expect for you to go through the new user registration again, but if you do chance upon it, a screenshot may help.


Completely agree with everything Gazumped said though--there's nothing to be concerned about here. At worst, we have a hardcoded link incorrect somewhere in the new user flow that needs fixing. If it's not that, it sounds like FF may be doing a bit of interpretation, since it opens a blank page then redirects you to tos.com. Though that seems unlikely too. If you would like to review our ToS directly (and not something about auto parts) the link is here: evernote.com/legal/tos.php


Thank you for taking the time to reply! And, thanks for looking into this. I have a Screenshot of the Evernote page that takes me to tos.com, but I can't see how to add it to this reply. I can add links but don't see an option here to add a photo? Should I send it elsewhere by email?


Any time! You can simply link to the screenshot if you like, or select "attach files" after you select "more reply options" under your reply to this post here. Attach files will be under the post body.


Here's the screenshot of the Evernote Touch registration page that takes me to the automobile repair website. I hope this helps you to find the source of the code error.





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