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Could not import .enex completely which was JUST exported

Falcon Vader

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Hello, dear viewers:


I just went to Japan and made a journal diary in these 5 days.

I found some errors happen during sync.

So I export all notes and keep them safe and then delete all notes in EVERNOTE.

And I got "MISSING_NOTE_CONTENT" message when I import them.

Here's my .enex as url below and logs files in this post, hope someone could save my memories back.






p.s. Don't worry about the privacy from me in the content, SAVE THE JOURNAL MEMORIES is more important than that.

p.p.s. OS:Windows 7




( a little regret of upgrade to premium from July 3rd, 2014 for travel using... )



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  • Level 5*

I don't know why you deleted the notes in Evernote; probably should have tested the import before doing that. A note exported should always import, so that sounds like a bug on either the import or export side. It's probably one note in your collection that's causing the problem, but I'm not going to download and paw through a half gigabyte of .ENEX, not today anyways.


I think that you should definitely open a support request for this. See the link in my signature. Good luck.

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Hello, dear viewers:


I just went to Japan and made a journal diary in these 5 days.

I found some errors happen during sync.

So I export all notes and keep them safe and then delete all notes in EVERNOTE.

And I got "MISSING_NOTE_CONTENT" message when I import them.

Here's my .enex as url below and logs files in this post, hope someone could save my memories back.






p.s. Don't worry about the privacy from me in the content, SAVE THE JOURNAL MEMORIES is more important than that.

p.p.s. OS:Windows 7




( a little regret of upgrade to premium from July 3rd, 2014 for travel using... )

Like Jeff said, I don't know why you'd delete the notes. But as long as you didn't empty the trash & sync afterwards, the deleted notes should be In the trash.

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Dear Jefito and BurgersNFries, greeting:


Thanks for your comments and suggestions. I wrote journal dairy by "Tag Journal" and mail back to my EVERNOTE. I deleted the notes cause I found EVERNOTE gave me some error messages after sync and found some note content missed. So I tried to delete notes even reinstalled EVERNOTE client and sync again, but still sync errors. I was afraid sync error might lose my diary, so I export them into .enex.


Anywway, I modified .enex into pieces, check the <note></note>, and delete the sections which did not contain NOTE_CONTENT.




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