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(Archived) Playing audio notes in desktop client?


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Are audio notes supposed to play in the desktop client?

I was surprised when, after recording several "audio notes" on my shiny new android client, I returned to my desktop Evernote and saw they were attachments to notes that opened in QuickTime player.

This leads me to two questions:

1. Is the the behavior for audio notes from other mobile clients or is this specific to the android client?

2. Are there plans to integrate playback of audio attachments into the desktop client?

I am using the 3.5 alpha windows client and saw the same behavior there. I'm just curious if this is a planned feature or not.


Canyon R

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Evernote supports audio files in the following formats: MP3, WAV, AMR

The desktop clients don't have a built-in audio player for these, but you should be able to either double-click on the audio clip to play it in your registered desktop application. On the Mac, the "quick look" view on the audio clip should play directly in the quick look preview.

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