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Tag Search Reports


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I'm looking for a way to see at a glance how many results I get from a variety of searches. 


Either some sort of splash page/report page of saved searches

Or adding a 'count' next to searches saved in Shortcuts.


For instance, I implement the GTD workflow in Evernote, so all of my notes have a status (like 'Next Action' or 'Project' or 'Reference') and a context (like 'At Home', 'At Work', "At Gym') and I'd like to be able to have a count of "Next Actions at Work" available in a flash.


Right now if I have a saved search and click it, I get a list without a count.

Likewise, if I multiple select the "Next Action" and "At Work" tags, I get a list but not a count.


All I'd like is some sort of splash page or report page of saved searches, or some count next to Shortcut searches (much like we have counts next to notebooks and tags).


Is that possible?





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  • Level 5*

If you're searching in the Windows Desktop client and have the 'search explanation' bar open you'll get a dialogue something like "Viewing 340 notes from <notebook>".  See the View menu or Ctrl+F10 to switch on/ off.

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If you're searching in the Windows Desktop client and have the 'search explanation' bar open you'll get a dialogue something like "Viewing 340 notes from <notebook>".  See the View menu or Ctrl+F10 to switch on/ off.


Thanks! That is useful for searches. 


I take it there is no splash screen / report generation capability / ability to turn on number of results next to Shortcuts? 



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  • Level 5*

View / Show Status Bar will turn on the status bar for Evernote. That shows the number notes in your note list and the total number of notes. E.g.: "Notes: 65 of 6053"


No splash screen or report generation that I know of.

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  • Level 5*

If you open list view and complete your search,  you'll get the "view xx notes" dialogue alongside the list of notes found.  Click in the list and Ctrl-A to select all (Windows) and copy/ paste into a new note.  You'll then have a list of live links to all your found tasks.

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