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Date Format different on 2 MBP

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I have 2 MBP sync'ed with Evernote Business The 1st MBP shows the Note Date in the format YYYYMM/DD/ (2185 Notes) the 2nd as Day, MM DD, YYYY @ Time (2248 Notes).


I guess I have 2 questions,


        - how can I change the format of the 2nd machine to YYYYMM-DD?

        - why is there a different number of Notes on the 2 machines.  I have been using the 1st MBP for about 12 months and just starting to use the 2nd one on a routine basis.  This is an older machine I had not used much since buying the "1st" machine.  Both are running OS X 10.9 and Evernote Business.


Thanks,  Bill

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Hi Bill,

Have to look into the date format at more. As for the difference in note counts it may be because one of the machines have notes in a local notebook (i.e they only live on your hard drive) and the other one doesn't. There's no easy visual way to identify a local notebook from a synced notebook so I recommend opening your account on www.evernote.com and then see if you have the same number of notebooks and then take it from there.


Let me know if that resolves it.  

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