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(Archived) Can't update next uid


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Starting yesterday, whenever I tried to add a note to my database using the Windows client, it wouldn't take. The title never filled in, and later the note would be gone. 


Today, I uninstalled Evernote for Windows (after backing up my database) and then downloaded and reinstalled it. First it wouldn't recognize or open my database, then it opened it, but wouldn't let me add a new note. (Error: Can't update next UID), then crashed.


Is my database corrupted or something?





  • Level 5*

Hi - sorry to hear you're having problems;  gold star for backing up your database.  Try the reinstall process again using Revo Uninstaller (which finds the Registry entries that other uninstalls don't...).  Submit a support request too (see below) just in case.


Thanks, I will. But I've been realizing I'm having other permissions-related problems. Other database that don't open because the file is read-only, or I don't have the right permissions. So it may not be an Evernote problem. I can't figure out what would have happened to make everything change.

  • Level 5*

Antivirus update?  Windows updates?  Other software changes?  You should be able to exclude some folders from AV scanning,  and if you make sure other as much other software as possible is shut down before retrying.. Windows 8 seems especially fussy on folder permissions..  Support will be able to help more.


Thanks again for your suggestions. (I'm using Windows 7).


I believe I have the problem fixed. I had recently joined, then left, a homegroup with other computers in our house. But, permissions for my My Documents folder (where I keep my Evernote database) still included limited permissions (read and execute only) for HomeUser - and somehow they overrode the still-existing full permissions I have for my user profile. After I removed HomeUser from the permissions list, my databases work again.


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