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(Archived) why couldn't Evernote replicate my tag structure?


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Hey there,

All in all I think Evernote is a killer app similar to things like email or social networks. For me, it has the potential to really make things easier in life.

However I think that the Android app has some major flaws (or maybe it's just me stupid not seeing it). In the windows program I set up a structure of tags and sub tags following the approach showcased at thescretweapon.org. But this structure and specially the idea of tags and in there other subtags is not replicated in the Androud up. I could sort in different ways but the original structure isn't there. Is this just a settng that I don't see or is it simply not possible?

Thanks in advance for your help

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  • Level 5*

Android just doesn't play well with tags at the moment - don't know whether this is due to an Android problem,  or Evernote being unsure how to handle a volume of tags in a small display.  Don't know TSW well enough to suggest a work-around,  but if you could somehow add a notebook to your scheme - say for urgent or current items - you could make that an 'offline search' notebook on your Droid so you always have access to the notes?

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  • Level 5*

Not sure exactly what's meant here. The tags and their structure do display. Filtering via the tag tree is different, but multi-selection does work, and picking a tag does have the effect of presenting a filtered list of appropriate tags for further selection. I think it would be nice if there were a [Display] button that caused the note list to slide in rather than this being done for every selection, but a swipe brings you back, not that onerous. Another difference is that tags with special prefix characters ('@', '#', etc.) do sort differently than on the Windows client, maybe that's the issue here...

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