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(Archived) moving list view


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This is probably a silly question, but here goes.


I always use the list view and have the left panel (notebooks, tags, etc.) open only occasionally. When I upgraded to EN 5 on my desktop machine, I had the list view above the notes that day, and that is where it still is. When I upgraded on my laptop, I had the list view at the left, and, again, it is still there. I have been unsuccessful in moving it to a different position on either machine.


I recall that in EN 4 there was a hidden command to shift the list from left to top and vice versa. Is there still such a command? Or are the lists now permanently frozen in the position where they happened to be on the day I installed EN 5?


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  • Level 5

The Vertical List View can be accessed by Ctrl + Shift + F5

It's an awesome way to view a lot of your data and keep the Evernote stuff hidden.


With the Left Panel toggled off (F10), here is what the Vertcal List View looks like.


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