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(Archived) Sync problem


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  • Level 5

When I did a manual sync (F9) this morning, the following normal messages appeared:

Retrieving Changes
Updating Client List
Retrieving Changes List 100% done
Updating Server list

... etc.

The last two messages stay on the screen a bit longer

Synchronization Complete
Sync failed due to unexpected problems at the server side.


But everything looks fine and dandy at the Evernote Status web page.

Last status report was on Dec 19 - "All systems are fully available at this time"




The same "Server Side" error message has shown up with each sync I've done over the past hour+.

I'll submit a support request.



This unexpected Server Side error has been posted several times on the forum in the past, but I was not able to find the cause of the Server Side error.


If it is on Evernote's end, I don't want to go down the Uninstall and Reinstall rabbit hole.

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As always, the Activity log should show you where the error lies.

Help -> Activity Log.

I had a similar issue on another machine, in which I found that access to a linked notebook was broken somehow in the Windows Client.

Since it says complete, and then failed, I am guessing you may be in a similar situation. (i.e. your notes are syncing but a linked notebook isn't) But the activity log should show the issue.

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  • Level 5

As always, the Activity log should show you where the error lies.

Help -> Activity Log.

I had a similar issue on another machine, in which I found that access to a linked notebook was broken somehow in the Windows Client.

Since it says complete, and then failed, I am guessing you may be in a similar situation. (i.e. your notes are syncing but a linked notebook isn't) But the activity log should show the issue.


Thanks for the suggestion.

I did check the Activity Log at first, but did not see anything wrong in the last dozen lines.


I went back and further up found what appears to be the problem.

It references some of your notes in an unsynced notebook "Evernote Help"


10:47:17 [2828] 0% EDAMSystemException: errorCode=SHARD_UNAVAILABLE message="s2"

10:47:17 [2828] 0% Syncing notebook "Evernote Help" shared by spgscott

10:47:17 [2828] 0% * loaded linked notebook updateCount: 24092

10:47:17 [2828] 0% Linked notebook is up to date with the server, updateCount=24092

10:47:17 [2828] 0% * saved linked notebook updateCount: 24092

10:47:20 [2828] 0% Updating server items

10:47:20 [2828] 0% Skipping note "ENRegEd - Access Evernote for Windows..." in an unsynced notebook "Evernote Help"

10:47:20 [2828] 50% Skipping note "Quick Tips and Tricks for Evernote 1...." in an unsynced notebook "Evernote Help"

10:47:20 [2828] 0% Syncing notebook "Evernote 5 Help" shared by spgscott


Were you working on these notes last night or this morning?



The following statement, which I have seen before, says:.

Since the release of Evernote V5 for Windows, much of this notebook is obsolete. It will therefore be retired in favour of a new notebook which includes topics for Version 5

I kept these notes because I remained on version 4.7 for a couple additional months.

I prefer not to upgrade Evernote immediately.

I assume the best course of action now would be to delete the problem notes


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The "Shard Unavailable" message is the one you need to look at. This is the same issue I mentioned previously.

The notebook you are having trouble with is the one mentioned before this. The error is the last thing that is mentioned about the notebook as it is synced.

My notebooks are not the ones that are showing this issue. You are seeing references to my notes as it appears that you have (inadvertantly) edited something within them. This means that since you don't have the editing powers and they don't match the server, they will be skipped. I believe if I was update them, you would not see this anymore. (related thread concerning the "Skipped notes" http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/50656-oops-accidentally-scanned-note-into-shared-notebook-cant-delete/)

Look for the first notebook above the error line. This is the notebook that you have to look into fixing.

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  • Level 5

I can't imagine why I would want to edit your notes.

Perhaps, I accidentally clicked inside one of them.


Here are the lines just above the ones I posted in my earlier post.

Nothing jumps out at me, except the "Expunging 2 linked notebook notes"


10:47:13 [2828] 85% * updateCount: 436450 --> 436451
10:47:13 [2828] 100% Updating server note "Evernote Status Check", resource count: 1
10:47:13 [2828] 100% * guid={d6b7d0d3-76f7-42fd-a3bc-c856ef32e021}
10:47:13 [2828] 100% * updateCount: 436451 --> 436452
10:47:13 [2828] 100% * updateCount: 436452 --> 436453
10:47:14 [2828] 100% * saved updateCount: 436453
10:47:16 [2828] 0% Syncing notebook "MAYO" shared by mayo-christopher
10:47:16 [2828] 0% * loaded linked notebook updateCount: 18409
10:47:16 [2828] 0% Linked notebook updateCount=18409, server updateCount=18447
10:47:16 [2828] 0% Retrieving list of notebook changes from the server
10:47:17 [2828] 0% Expunging 2 linked notebook notes
10:47:17 [2828] 0% EDAMSystemException: errorCode=SHARD_UNAVAILABLE message="s2"



I deleted the following notebooks: 

Evernote Help,

Evernote 5 Help, and

GrumpyMonkey's MAYO



Did a sync. The problem is gone.

No more "Server Side" error message.


That's too bad, because I enjoyed reading the wealth of information you and GrumpyMonkey supplied.


Thank you again for your assistance.

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It was just GM's notebook that was showing the issue for you. As far as I know it was specific to the Windows client.

You can add them back if you want. (The process for sorting this error is to remove and add them back)

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  • Level 5

It was just GM's notebook that was showing the issue for you. As far as I know it was specific to the Windows client.

You can add them back if you want. (The process for sorting this error is to remove and add them back)

Thank you.

What is the clue that it was GM's notebook? Is there a specific line in the report? Nothing jumps out at me.


By the way, I agree because I deleted each notebook individually and sync'd. The server side error did not disappear until I deleted Grumpy's notebook.

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10:47:16 [2828] 0% Syncing notebook "MAYO" shared by mayo-christopher

10:47:16 [2828] 0% * loaded linked notebook updateCount: 18409

10:47:16 [2828] 0% Linked notebook updateCount=18409, server updateCount=18447

10:47:16 [2828] 0% Retrieving list of notebook changes from the server

10:47:17 [2828] 0% Expunging 2 linked notebook notes

10:47:17 [2828] 0% EDAMSystemException: errorCode=SHARD_UNAVAILABLE message="s2"

That is what will cause the sync error. The other items were notes that don't generate errors.

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  • Level 5


10:47:16 [2828] 0% Syncing notebook "MAYO" shared by mayo-christopher

10:47:16 [2828] 0% * loaded linked notebook updateCount: 18409

10:47:16 [2828] 0% Linked notebook updateCount=18409, server updateCount=18447

10:47:16 [2828] 0% Retrieving list of notebook changes from the server

10:47:17 [2828] 0% Expunging 2 linked notebook notes

10:47:17 [2828] 0% EDAMSystemException: errorCode=SHARD_UNAVAILABLE message="s2"

That is what will cause the sync error. The other items were notes that don't generate errors.



Expunging is a nasty word.

But I don't see any indication to help identify what the 2 notes actually were.

I deleted 81 of Grumpy's notes.

I guess that's where Evernote Support would have stepped in.


Well, thanks again.

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