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(Archived) iPhone Auto-Lock

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I left myself a 5+ min voice note this morning using the iPhone app. My phone was set to auto-lock after 3 min. When I unlocked the phone my note was not there. It must have stopped recording when the phone locked - and didn't save anything :-(

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Thanks for letting us know about this. We've discovered that the iPhone shuts down the audio input (somewhat rudely) when the auto-lock kicks in, which disrupts our recording. We've filed a bug to try to be a little more clever about handling that case.


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It is VERY abrupt. And it doesn't save the buffer when it locks.

If the voice recorder part of the new app can't force the iPhone NOT TO LOCK, which would be preferable,

perhaps you could figure out a way of saving what has been recorded, at least in a temporary location.

I don't take voice notes much, any more, because of this problem, but I would totally love to!

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I have at least one app on my phone which prevents it from locking while the app is running. It is possible to prevent the lock.

I discovered this problem last night when I had to exit the Evernote app altogether to recover from the phone locking during a voice note - it became entirely unresponsive after unlocking.

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