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(Archived) Evernote Locking up after latest IO7.3 update


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  • Level 5*

Come on Evernote- get your update together. I am sitting with a frozen screen like many others.

Hi. Welcome to the forums. Sorry to hear about the problem. There are a few things you can do to solve the problem, though. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling (assuming your data is synced)? If that doesn't work, you could try creating a dummy account, logging into it, and seeing if you encounter the same problems.

Let us know how things go. If these ideas don't help let us know more about your device, how much storage you have free, your ios version, etc.

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Come on Evernote- get your update together. I am sitting with a frozen screen like many others.

What you'll need to do DPH is delete Evernote and then reinstall via iTunes. It's a pain I know. Happens with every major Evernote update. I agree that it's time for Evernote to try and introduce more robust updates.

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