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(Archived) Searching inside Specific Notebook after upgrade to EN 5 is so confusing


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On one hand I hope I am not rehashing something that is being discussed in other threads ... 

On another I can't imagine others are not going nuts too by this.


I don't ever remember exactly what the old GUI looked like - but I am sure when I was in a Notebook and I started searching is searched INSIDE that SPECIFIC notebook.


Now since I went to evernote 5 - I pick a notebook but when I type in my search terms - it resets and searches everywhere ... and then AFTER the search I need to go back and go into the Notebook I want.


Am I missing something obvious?


why not in the middle section (where I have my notebook contents) have a search bar for the sub search only in that Notebook .


I know I can add search terms that will limit to specific notebooks but that is not how I like to work ....


Thoughts? old topic? and I nuts?




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  • Level 5*

Go to the search control, and click on the magnifying glass. Select "Search Current Content". After that, a notebook that you've chosen will be retained as the search context (and further additions of search terms like literal text, tags, etc. will also persist in the current search filter). But after that, when you want to start a new search you'll need to clear out the current search criteria; one way to do that is by using the F6 shortcut key.

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