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(Archived) No infos for photographers


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Evernote has an own camera tool, the little icon in the quick note window on home screen. I can take images and get a new note instantly. Also a place screen is shown in the new note.

BUT using this image in other applications, all Exif and GPS info is removed!

What happens: when taking an image with Evernote cam, I use my account also to save the snapshot directy to my iPad /iPhone camera roll (account->note editor). I also may send it via e-mail to my account and import the image to the camera roll. Or drag image to my mac desktop.

But in every way the image infos are not available!

Enclosed you find 4 screenshots of my photo app on iPad. One image made with Evernote cam (without infos) and one image made with iPad/iPhone cam (with all infos included...)

Now I'm not able to use images (made with Evernote cam) for further work in Lightroom, iPhoto or Aperture- when I want to look for camera data and/or GPS...

So it's not so perfect to use Evernote when you are a photographer!





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