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Version 5 Complaints


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First, in brief, I'd like to say that as a paying customer (although this should go just as much for people who don't pay), I really don't appreciate a public release of a new version being a sly mass beta to help you fix things. You can play around and change and add and remove features to your heart's content, but if something is actually broken - as a number of things are, as you'll see from this forum - it is an essential business courtesy, in my opinion, that it should not make a general release. I would rather wait longer and remain productive with version 4 than be offered the shininess of version 5 while soon finding myself troubleshooting trivial problems before eventually reverting to the old .exe I always keep to hand.


That said, now that I was roped into this beta-by-another-name, I can tell you one thing that's broken at least. Notebook renaming. Don't know if it's for everyone, but a fix for me has defied restarting/logging out/reinstalling. If I go to rename a notebook or a notebook stack, when I press enter or click away, the title will revert to what it was previously. This is most frustrating for new notebook stacks because we therefore have no choice but to leave them named "Notebook Stack", which is not exactly conducive of customised organisation.


Visually, there are other basic problems, such as the bottom of the notes in the right panel often looking strange - the grey background frequently seeps into the white background of the note, with a hovering line like a horizontal bar that, obviously, I didn't put there.


You're not doing too bad with the service you provide, and you're no doubt keeping a great many happier customers than me, but at the moment, I very much feel that I'm using Evernote because it is the least bad of all the note-keeping alternatives, rather than finding it enjoyable to use because it's actually good, and it surprises me how limited note-taking software still is in general. I mean, I'm no software programmer, but is 2013 still too technologically early for people to have reliable syncing/reminders/text and table formatting/encrypted notes/print quality in a single package? I spend more of my time organising a substandard system into a useable one than I do actually keeping my life organised.


Grumble, grumble.

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Just want to add my most frustrating complaints to v5:


-when the cursor is in the new search field, I cannot use mouse scrolling in any other of the fields, unless I click away to the side bar or the notes panel, or into a note.

-when having card view activated, there is no way I can quickly see which tags are assigned to any of the notes. I have to click on a card, it will only show me 2 tags at the top, so I have to click "Info", which also only shows 2 tags unless I further click on the tiny drop down button to show me all the tags assigned

-as many people have already mentioned, there is no way to tell notebooks apart, because icons as well as colours are missing

-all in all the program runs significantly slower

-printing notes with underlined text or tables still creates a strike through mess

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  • 4 weeks later...

On my MacBook Pro (2009)  v5 runs unbeliebably slow. I especially dread opening the notebooks-section.


The new client would be ok for me otherwise.


I very much hope the evernote team will do something regarding these performance issues. I don't care about fancy new features or eye-candy. I want responsiveness because I work with evernote every day!

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First, in brief, I'd like to say that as a paying customer (although this should go just as much for people who don't pay), I really don't appreciate a public release of a new version being a sly mass beta to help you fix things. You can play around and change and add and remove features to your heart's content, but if something is actually broken - as a number of things are, as you'll see from this forum - it is an essential business courtesy, in my opinion, that it should not make a general release. I would rather wait longer and remain productive with version 4 than be offered the shininess of version 5 while soon finding myself troubleshooting trivial problems before eventually reverting to the old .exe I always keep to hand.


That said, now that I was roped into this beta-by-another-name, I can tell you one thing that's broken at least. Notebook renaming. Don't know if it's for everyone, but a fix for me has defied restarting/logging out/reinstalling. If I go to rename a notebook or a notebook stack, when I press enter or click away, the title will revert to what it was previously. This is most frustrating for new notebook stacks because we therefore have no choice but to leave them named "Notebook Stack", which is not exactly conducive of customised organisation.


Visually, there are other basic problems, such as the bottom of the notes in the right panel often looking strange - the grey background frequently seeps into the white background of the note, with a hovering line like a horizontal bar that, obviously, I didn't put there.


You're not doing too bad with the service you provide, and you're no doubt keeping a great many happier customers than me, but at the moment, I very much feel that I'm using Evernote because it is the least bad of all the note-keeping alternatives, rather than finding it enjoyable to use because it's actually good, and it surprises me how limited note-taking software still is in general. I mean, I'm no software programmer, but is 2013 still too technologically early for people to have reliable syncing/reminders/text and table formatting/encrypted notes/print quality in a single package? I spend more of my time organising a substandard system into a useable one than I do actually keeping my life organised.


Grumble, grumble.


When you rename, hit enter on the keyboard instead of clicking away, it will save the rename.

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