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(Archived) switching from montly to annual permium

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Dear Evernote associate,

Is there a way to seamlessly up-upgrade from a monthly Premium plan to an annual Premium plan please?

I want to sign up for the monthly first, to see if file syncing works the way i want to. And if i do like it, i would like to upgrade to an annual plan please.

Thank you!

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When you subscribe to a monthly Evernote subscription, we will bill you again each month unless you go to the "Settings" page of your web account and click on the "Cancel" link there.

When you Cancel, your account will stay Premium until the end of the month you have already paid. At the end of that month, you will receive email warning you that your account is changing back to Free.

I would recommend just trying Evernote for one month, and remember to hit the "Cancel" link before the end of your first month. Then, at the end of the month, sign up for a new annual subscription when your account reverts back to Free.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Profmoss -

It appears that we were unable to successfully bill you for the latest month of service, and were in the process of retrying. It looks like UI doesn't show this correctly if you are in the three day "retry" period for billing.

Your account has reverted to Free automatically, and you were not billed for April.

You will not be billed again unless you re-subscribe to Premium.

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  • 1 year later...

Dear Evernote:

Surely a company clever enough to do all that you have done can figure out a way to switch from monthly premium to annual premium without making me cancel my subscription first? How much work could it be for you to install a radio button that says: "Convert my monthly premium account to an annual account at the end of the current billing period and use my current payment system to bill me $45.00"?

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