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(Archived) Uploading a file and then viewing it? WM6.1

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I tried uploading an Excel file through Evernote on Windows Mobile. It uploaded fine. Then in my list of notes, I opened the note and it showed the file as an attachment. When I clicked on the attachment, it opened my browser and tried to go to a page at evernote.com and it got an Access Denied message. I was expecting it to open the file on my PPC. And if I open an attachment, make changes, do those changes get saved back to the note? In this case, an Excel file. Thanks!

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You should not have seen an "Access Denied" error when you clicked on the attachment in the note. It sounds like this is either a bug on our side, or an issue with your carrier. What network carrier are you using?

If you have access to WiFi with that device, could you try restarting the device on WiFi and then see whether you can view the note there?


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I have an HTC Touch Pro on Alltel. I haven't tried wifi since I never use it. Is it normal that it would use the browser to retrieve the file? I had expected Evernote to just open it and prompt me to save/open/etc.

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