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(Archived) EN for iOS 7: Title Search is Broken


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  • Level 5*

Works correctly for me.

Intitle only works for exact searches. A search for intitle:journal will not find notes titled "journals." It never has (at least, it was never supposed to). intitle:"journal monday" finds all the notes it should.

[EDIT:] I am wrong. See below at http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/42536-en-for-ios-7-title-search-is-broken/?p=227603

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  • Level 5*

My recollection is that the new Windows client is secretly fiddling with the search to add a wildcard to the search term, and that is why it is finding more stuff.

My recollection is that I also recommended that Evernote avoid mucking around with our searches (secretly or otherwise) because it confuses (and in my case, irritates) users. I am guessing that this is a case in point.

I also recollect that the search grammar says that this is case sensitive and exact for search purposes (on the server side) so I think the original intention was to have this search work as it used to. I don't have the search grammar in front of me at the moment to confirm.

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  • Level 5*

[insert expletive here] I thought I had the new version of the app (I was wondering why nothing looked different!), but I didn't.

- Intitle is broken. Everything that ought to work (and did work a few minutes ago) doesn't now. Luckman is correct.

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  • Level 5*

Ok, whew. Thought I was crazy for a sec. I will file a bug.


edit: ticket #157446 opened.

Thanks for filing the bug!

Just to be clear, you are correct (I was wrong above) that a search for intitle:homework ought to find all of the cases you mentioned. I should have put more thought into my response (my confusion about which version of Evernote I had didn't help).

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