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(Archived) Insert JUST the time into the body of a Note


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I love Evernote, in part because it is accessible across ALL platforms (the Windows desktop I use at work, the iMac I use at home and the iPhone and iPad I use in between.)  It is a little mystifying, however, that there is no consistency on even some very basic features or functions that are included (or not) in each version.


Case in point:  


I find it very useful to be able to insert a time stamp within the body of a note.  In long meetings it is a way to keep track of what issues consumed how much time.  If it is a discrete project where I need to track and account for time, it let's me capture start and stop times on project areas.  I also keep a daily log of phone calls, drop in meetings, etc. in a single note - where the event did not last long enough to warrant a separate note of its own. (Meetings, events or conversations that did get long enough to go in a separate note are linked in that day's daily log.)


So a quick key stroke or two that would insert the time into the body of the note is something I would highly value.  


But the actual situation in Evernote is mixed:   

  • I can insert the time into a note on my iMac (Alt-Shift-Command-D)
  • I cannot insert just the time on Windows.  I am forced to insert full date AND time (Crtl-Semicolon)
  • I cannot insert time at all on the iOS applications.  

So, the same basic feature, I can do it on one platform, sort of but not quite on another, and not at all on a third.  

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  • Level 5*

Evernore clients cover dozens,  if not hundreds of operating systems (if you count the different flavours of Mac,  Android and Windows),  and there are specific teams (I understand) working on each.  They are tasked with producing the best experience for their own client base,  which inevitably means that some functions will get dropped or relegated as too difficult,  too slow,  or just too expensive to implement.  And Evernote is only a few years old.  I'd agree it will be nice to have parity between all the clients - as far as screen res and size will allow - but you may have to be patient for a few years yet!

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