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(Archived) Images showing in Snippet, but note in the note itself


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This happen very often. A note, with just a picture or a photo. The photo is visable in the snippets, but not in the note itself.

Often, I'll fix the thing by writing something in the body of the note.

My configuration: 

iPhone 3GS iOs 4.1

Windows 7 Pro, Desktop version

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I had a similar problem with one photo note. I couldn't get the image back, nor find out the cause. Interestingly, I'm not using Evernote for Windows (just Web, Mac and iOS).


If you want to get the image back:

- If you are on premium, try restoring a earlier version of the note from history and see if that one has the image

- Check whether Evernote's web client displays the image (it didn't for me, it just showed a "broken image" placeholder).

- Contact support with details. Maybe they can restore the picture.


If it's a recurring problem, I urge you to please report it to Evernote Support. Evernote staff do frequent these forums, but there is no guarantee that they took note of this possible bug. By letting support know, it might eventually get fixed and the whole Evernote community will benefit. Thanks!

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  • 1 month later...


I have had a couple of similar frustrating experiences. I have taken photos, relying on Evernote to have them for me when needed. On the iPad I have no issues but with iPhone when I'm out and about and need to view some of these photos I often get let down with photos not showing up. Very frustrating. I actually have had instances when trying to open these notes of the app crashing.

I will log a fault with Evernote support.

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